Gesehen das mein Vater sich Erwachsenen spielzeuge bestellt hat?
Hi, meinbVater bat mich auf seinem Handy was nach zu schauen. Hab dann sein Handy entsperrt und sah, das er sich erwachsenen Spielzeuge bestellt hat. Hab erstmal nichts dazu gesagt und das gemacht was ich sollte. Soll ich das jetzt einfach weiter ignorieren, oder ihn darauf ansprechen?
You don’t care what he ordered. So why would you like to talk to him? Or should he give you tips or would you like to share with him about things?
Then you don’t have to touch him…
You probably don’t want your parents to ask your sex life in detail, do you?
Ignoring, it’s nothing at all
What a question. Of course ignore. Be glad that there’s something going on with your parents. It’s worse when separate beds come.
Of course, ignore, why do you want to address this? Parents also have a sex life
And privacy!
Why would you tell him? What is your father’s sex life about?
Ignore. Don’t worry.
He’s grown up.
Is his sex life going on something?
Then you have your answer to the question.