Was ist das am Himmel und ist das normal?

Diese komischen Kondensstreifen oder was auch immer diese weißen Streifen am Himmel sind. Hab vorhin mal gesehen, dass wir seit gefühlt nem halben Jahr oder so endlich mal wieder blauen Himmel und keine hässlichen grauen Wolken hatten. Aber da waren so diese Kondensstreifen verteilt.

Und ich hab beobachtet wie die sich immer mehr ausgebreitet haben und verblasste so dass der Himmel weiß würde und nicht mehr blau.

Jetzt guck ich in den Himmel und sehe ein ganz verschwommenen Licht…den Mond… Aber so unscharf weil alles verdeckt ist.

Was ist das ? Gift ? Und wieso breitet sich das über den ganzen Himmel aus ??

Ist ja schon schlimm genug dass wir fast nur graue Wolken hier in Deutschland haben aber dann noch diese Kondensstreifen die den klaren Himmel bei Tag und Nacht abschirmen, so dass wir weder den blauen Himmel oder nachts die Sterne und den Mond sehen dürfen ??….

und wieso breitet sich das über den ganzen Himmel aus…

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1 year ago

Condensation strips are the sequence of aircraft and their exhaust gases, including soot particles and water vapor, and with sufficiently cold ambient air, which is already saturated with water vapor, condenses excess water vapor to water and so “artificial” clouds are formed, which naturally also spread out due to air flow and dissolve again during temperature change.

Toxic is at most in the head of dizzyers that are fascinated by “Chemtrails”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Pudelskern666

who says that? if you can make non-toxic deco-nebel already with small stunt aircraft, then it must be easy to install the required generator for this nebel several times on a larger aircraft and to mix toxic substances into the fancy for the nebel. So it is not so unwarranty that something is injected. who says it must be poison. there are also other things that are made by plane. there is, for example, the so-called cloud vaccination. there a certain mixture is sprayed by airplane in clouds to let it rain.

1 year ago

That’s exactly what you said. The one who spread is also quite normal.

1 year ago
Reply to  ichmagrotwein

What exactly is shielded?

Airplanes just create condensation strips. There is no way to prevent this.

1 year ago

They are created by planes. When you enter Google “How to create condensation strips”, you will find more details on how this works chemically

1 year ago
Reply to  ichmagrotwein

Of course, planes have not been flying since yesterday. If they didn’t, there wouldn’t be a blue sky.

1 year ago

They’re like you say stripes of condensation. They’re from planes. And no, that’s not a poison. Even though some aluminum hat carriers like to say that.

1 year ago
Reply to  ichmagrotwein

That’s bullshit, of course. You really don’t know what dresses are? Because then you should be aware that they cannot shield the sky.

1 year ago

That’s bullshit. The strips are completely volatile.

You can’t confuse it with clouds.

How old are you? 12?

1 year ago

Some governments are already making artificial clouds to suppress the alleged climate warming. Everyone’s been watching condense strips as a child. Have such veils or clouds formed from it? So research. So whoever still claims that the normal tape is really sorry.