Should I go to a gynecologist?
I'm a 16-year-old girl and I've never been to a gynecologist. My parents died in a car accident seven years ago. After that, my older brother, who is 18, and I lived with my aunt. She met a man a year ago, and they got married and moved to another country.
I no longer have contact with her. Since my brother is 18 (he'll be 19 soon), I can live with him in our old house. His best friend, who used to live in an orphanage and moved in with us sometime before our parents died, also lives there with us.
Since my mother is no longer alive and I don't have any other female contacts, I don't know who to ask. In fact, I would be uncomfortable if my brother and his best friend found out.
So, should I see a gynecologist or not yet? By the way, I don't have any complaints or problems.
You have to go to the female doctor only from pregnancy. Before that, it’s your choice when you go. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a virgin or not.
There is no age where you really have to go or should, important here is how you feel and whether you want to be a gynecologist.
You go to the doctor if you:
So it’s your decision, from 20 onwards, an annual cancer prevention (destroy) is recommended and from 40 more precautions against breast cancer & Co
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
The first visit to the female physician does not have to mean a physical examination. If you have no complaints, you can make a first appointment as a “teenager appointment”. You let yourself be advised, let you show and explain everything and come to a normal appointment a while later. Maybe you have a good (older) girlfriend who was already and takes you?
Thanks at least the right answer
Yes, you can just make an appointment, you don’t have to justify it and don’t justify it, it’s a normal process.
And I’m so sorry about your family.
Thank you.
Yeah, you should definitely.
Cancer care is very important.
Why would I have a fake?
Doesn’t make any sense at all 😂 then just say no age and good. But it’s okay, it’s obvious you’re inventing things here. Only your two last questions contradict each other completely.
But in every answer. But no matter, it’s not my problem.
I didn’t
Why did you ask why they think you were a troll?
Well, I didn’t wonder, I don’t care about it.
I didn’t say. But you were wondering why everyone thinks you’re a fool. You have the answer.
No one else does only under this question
You don’t have to be interested in it forces you not to discuss with me and I don’t force you to do it the same.
Then don’t be surprised that people think you’re a fool.
Well, if you think that’s what I’m doing, I’ll continue
That makes absolutely no sense.
Of course. I just don’t want everyone here to know what my real age is. I only give my real age to some questions so that you don’t see how old I am
You have no idea what privacy means or?
I don’t give my real age to all things
Well, explain and enlighten mixh
Maybe you could think about yourself
Look at the profile and questions of the person.
I don’t know, but otherwise you wouldn’t have been 14
7 months ago 12, yesterday 14, today 16. Go somewhere else. Reported.