IOS 18, Probleme mit Musikwiedergabe?
Seit ich IOS 18 runtergeladen habe, habe ich Probleme mit der Musikwiedergabe über mein Iphone, wenn ich zum Beispiel zwischen Lockscreen und Homescreen wechsel, dann hängt die Musik für eine Sekunde, ebenfalls tritt dieses Problem auf, wenn ich Benachrichtigungen bekomme, hängt die Musik auch. Davor lief alles reibungslos, und ohne irgendwelche Verzögerungen oder Hängern.
würde mich über Hilfe oder Ähnliche Erfahrungen, und was man machen kann, freuen.
Hey, I also had the problem and found the mistake, I had to disable the “vocal shortcuts” with me. Then the yellow/orange point was gone and the error too.
Lg :
(Sorry for grammar, but German is not my first language;))
Hey, thanks for the answer, had exactly the same problem, vocal shortcuts was activated, then switched off all micro accesses for apps, and then over to the control center, since always there is in the upper area where the micro is activated or Just used, then it stood with the vocal shortcuts, then it also deactivated, and everything is normal again.
Had the same problem
thank you for your answer 🙂
DANKE!!!! And the grammar is top!!!
Call Apple, report. Everything else doesn’t get anything. iOS 18 is a disaster.
I can’t move apps anymore or folders and widgets and my email app is dead. My battery is still extremely fast empty.
It’s strange to me that everything is the same as before. What iPhone do you have?
Yes, it’s been with Apple for a long time. some are not. Got that 14pm. Since ios16, it’s kind of just stuffed. I even had less problems with Android.
Iphone 15 Pro Max, just found out that it has something to do with the orange glowing dot, have just disabled the microphone access for all apps, then the orange light should go out, but she is still there, it’s some problem with the microphone. I really don’t know what to do.
as said, software errors/bugs. They have again crippled a lot and made themselves more as they can create until release. Doesn’t want to know what enormous pressure the developers have to work there.
Do not understand how it can be that despite disabled access to the micro for all apps, the orange dot does not disappear.
There’s a direct call tomorrow, so Mega is annoying.
it’s a software problem. And the fewer people call Apple and report these problems, the longer it will take to take care of it. I think it makes sense.