Wie mache ich Sauerkraut?
Habe noch Sauerkraut aus den Glas da.
Wie bereite ich das zu?
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Hallo, Es geht darum das ich jeden Tag süßes esse. Heute zb. habe ich wieder 100 Gramm Zucker gegessen. Ich vermute das ich Süchtig nach Zucker bin. Ich mache mir Sorgen, weil das für die Gesundheit nicht gut ist. Ich habe schon versucht weniger Zucker zu essen, aber ich schaffe es einfach nicht. Ich habe…
Und wenn ja, welche?
Warm slowly in the pot and possibly even juniper berries and laurel leaves. Maybe some sugar.
It’s already cooked, otherwise it wouldn’t be a sauerkraut.
You should just make it warm
Heat with a little water in the pot.
If you make sour wort hot, it tastes better.
Seasons with cumin.
If it tastes too acid, stir a little sugar.
Yeah, just make warm.
You can refine it by adding a finely sliced apple or pineapple.
Spices: laurel leaves, juniperberries, cumin, broth- everything goes.
You just have to warm sour wort. It doesn’t have to be cooked. Theoretically, you could even eat it cold from the can.
It tastes best if you taste some lard in the pot and then taste the sour wort on it and with wine.
it can also eat in the end, only not much at once, otherwise yes warm up usually already. Sauerkraut is prepared in proportion.
If it’s in the glass, it’s already cooked, you just have to warm it up and maybe season it to your taste.
you can eat well raw
In the glass it is already cooked…
simply warm in the pot
if you like to add a shot of white wine
… And maybe a few drops of cream.