Phone with 128gb or 256gb?

I want to buy a used iPhone but I'm not sure how many GB I should get.

I've had 256GB for the past 2-3 years, as I always have half of it full and the remaining 128GB in reserve.

Below you can see my memory usage again.

I have a lot of game apps that I use when I'm bored, but they actually take up space because I only use them once every two or three weeks. If I deleted them, I'd have about 30GB more space, so I'd only have about 100GB in use.

I would definitely want to use the iPhone for 1-2 years, ideally even longer. The 128GB version would be €50-100 cheaper.

Should I get it in 128gb or 256gb.

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6 months ago

How are we supposed to know what you have the next 1-2 years with the new smartphone? If you shoot a few photos too much, the 128Gb may not be enough.

Since you’re planning to use the phone for only 1-2 years, 128Gb is enough. 256Gb are only worthwhile if you want to use the phone for the next 5 years.

6 months ago

Go to number safe and take 256gb