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I’d be disappointed by the partner. It would not have any influence on love for my children. For regardless of their biological origin, their souls have chosen you a life as a child with me when they came to the world.
Nothing. I loved her for 20 years, that doesn’t change.
I would start to work without fun
that I would do
You mean the kids you raised? They stay your children.
Kleiner tipp: Don’t let your trouble go to the kids and don’t pull them in. They can’t do it.
You can always make new children. It’s so bad. Would not focus on certain children and make them my food point
I would sue the woman to repay the maintenance.
Even if you’ve lived csm?
Don’t worry. If then the real father. Thanks to the legal system
My choices repent and reflect how I could be as foolish. The woman definitely doesn’t speak well for me. Well, who knows how deep I’m already in the fucking plug. Depending on that, it could even be smarter to accept the whole thing. If I was still fit at the age (depending on when she got the child), I would leave her and start new.
I assume that the stay is on my name and I have managed all the resources. So I’d throw them out of my house. I don’t care where she’s staying, even if she’s supposed to run under a bridge. Can be in doubt about the children 😂
May I ask what generation you are? Sounds very traditional and backward, but at the same time, family planning still seems to be on the table.
This is the generation Z. I would claim to be far ahead. I would if it were to go through the male pairing strategy after me, because it would be simple and simple in the interest of the man. What we currently have is sorry to enforce the female pairing strategy.
A Win Win would maximize both strategies. I know it can’t work as much if you just left women behind. But women and men are nine times antagonists in the game.
It is not ideology 🤣
no depressive. live on. then enjoy your ideology. Maybe some men could get on your side.
yes this is becoming more and more. Whether that changes a lot. I doubt it. Either the war comes or the social system collapses. I’m out of it. But making a depressive isn’t my thing. 😅
It’s only partly surprising to me. Was well known in the media by the Modern Gender Gap, which for a traditional backlash there is in the young, male population. Oh, man. Well, in 4 years, Germany is bombed by the Russians, then such discussions are unnecessary.
So in the 20?
Nothing I probably love her as much as I did before. Even if they did not have my genes, I would have raised them and shaped them.
as w32 would say there are already 2 new children