Does anyone have experience with gastric sleeve surgery?
Did it hurt a lot after the operation, where exactly did it hurt and how many days did the pain last?
Did it hurt a lot after the operation, where exactly did it hurt and how many days did the pain last?
I have a stitched wound, and I received regular wound care. Nothing had become infected. After 14 days, as directed, the stitches were removed. The scar is now 0.5 cm wide. Is this normal, or were the stitches removed too early?
Hello, I had a surgical removal of material from my ankle on September 26th, and on October 31st I had another operation because the wound had become infected. Now, almost two months later, I'm still experiencing discomfort in my foot, such as swelling, redness, and mild to moderate pain. Are there any experts here in…
Hello Does anyone have experience with silicone as a replacement for a torn lumbar disc? Thanks.
Hey guys, I was just swimming, and for the past few months, I've noticed something on my foot. Now you can clearly see that it's softened a bit. I don't know what it is. It would be great if one of you knew and could write in the comments below. Ideally, some information, such as…
Hey, I'm 18 and I have really small, uneven breasts that don't have the typical shape. I wanted to discuss this with my gynecologist, and she said that a lot can change at my age and I should wait and see. When I examined my breasts, she said I noticed that I have very little…
I got a hose magnet 4 years ago and hardly any pain. Of course, it hurts like every surgery, but I didn’t think it was bad at all. I could only sleep on my back for a while, but otherwise I had no problems.
Was hair loss strong?
Yeah, it was really hard to stop for a while. That was definitely worth it 🙂
Does that stop when you take vitamin pills?