Loan with training and part-time job?
I'm 19 years old and just started a part-time job as a runner at PicNic. I'm planning to start an apprenticeship on September 1st. My gross income will be €1,080 in my first year as an IT specialist for systems integration. At PicNic, it will be around €700 net plus a good tip. However, I'd like to continue working there on a €520 mini-job basis once I start my apprenticeship.
I'd like to buy a used car for around €6,000. My question is, is it possible to get a loan for that amount, and which are the best lenders?
Thank you for any answer!
No is not possible.
Even with a high deposit not.
No credit. When you start training, you can also make HÖCHSTENS a minijob if your boss has nothing to do with it. You don’t need to think about more hours.
Your income is below self-sufficiency. No chance with a serious credit provider.