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1 year ago
  1. You can’t leave a bank transfer. This is a myth that keeps itself stubborn.
  2. You never give anyone so much money for something expensive. Such things are bought with buyer protection, with reputable dealers or privately against cash at personal pick-up.
  3. A photo of a bank card is NIEMALS a backup!
  4. You can’t just publish the bank details for strangers!
  5. Your money’s gone. You were cheated.
1 year ago

Fraud is not unusual on Ebay classifieds in transfers, not for free it has been bares against fortunes for years.

ABER: We have Saturday, the guy has potentially better to do than to talk to you why a pack that he may have left last night is not yet with you. So you can also be lucky and it comes on Monday. Do you have a number?

You can’t book back. If you want to call the bank, wait for Monday. Maybe you’re lucky and it’s not a fraud.

1 year ago
Reply to  Justinhahaha

Sure you can. Whether they tell you something, but Nen’s other topic. Probably not.

1 year ago

If he has broken off the contact and nix comes, it’s probably beschiss…

You can’t get a transfer back – unfortunately.

There’s only the gang to the police. online ad.

1 year ago

No, you can’t book the money back. You probably never see the money again and you can forget the phone. You’ve probably been cheated and idR also know cheaters as they remain undetected.

1 year ago

the card is stolen or fake.

1 year ago

He broke you and the money’s gone. 😬🤷