When can I eat dairy products after wisdom tooth surgery?

Hello everyone,

Today is my 3rd day after having my upper wisdom teeth removed.
Can I eat things like yogurt, cheese, etc.?
Or semolina porridge made with water?

I see different things on the Internet.
Some say you should avoid dairy products for 1-2 weeks, others use them immediately after the procedure.

Please answer me if it is okay in my case.
PS my cheeks are not swollen at all and I don't feel any pain (if that matters).

Thanks in advance.

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3 months ago

According to my dentist, it is no problem to eat/drink products with heated milk, only for raw milk products you should wait until wound healing is further advanced (about 1 week normally).

If you have an inflammation and take antibiotics, you can read in the package leaflet whether milk is OK or not with the drug.

I’ll be right on 1. In the evening a self-cooked vanilla pudding was eaten and there was no problem, butter on a piece of honey cake went as well and on the 2nd. Day gave pasta with neat cheese baked + cream sauce.
No problems, healing top.

3 months ago

After two hours.