Würdet ihr außerhalb der Stadt in der Dunkelheit (also wo es keine Straßenbeleuchtung gibt) Fahrrad fahren?

Ich nicht, bin mal zu meiner Betreuerin gefahren im Winter in der Dunkelheit. Habe kaum was gesehen, hat mir gereicht. Und ja habe Fahrradbeleuchtung.

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kami1a, UserMod Light
2 years ago

Hello tanja3313!

I would make this but have absolutely understanding if you were just having concerns as a girl / woman

And with fear you should not do that

I wish you a nice and stressful week.

2 years ago

but have absolute understanding of when you are having concern as a girl / woman

Why? Do you think that “somewhere in nowhere” more rapists are lurking at a casually passing victim than in an urban side street?

2 years ago

Without light, you generally don’t drive a bicycle at night. This is life-threatening and completely unnecessary. You can do that because you see enough by the moonlight or the street lighting, but cars don’t see one.

I wish there was a greater awareness of how important it is to be seen at night in road transport.

2 years ago
Reply to  tanja3313

Oh, sorry, you heard that since you said you had hardly seen anything.

So on bike paths or field roads I would definitely drive at night. So am I. On land roads only if it really is not different or would be connected with a huge detour.

If you don’t see anything at night, maybe it’s your bike lighting? With modern LED lights, even on the bike becomes the night to day..

2 years ago

Well, anyway

2 years ago

Despite good lighting at the Radl not alone.

Lg, Anna

2 years ago

With good LED lighting no theme, so’n Cyo2 or comparable, the lane shines so well that I can recognize everything necessary – for forest trips you may need an additional light that shines higher so that if necessary, deep-hanging branches. It’s not on the streets.

I’ve got a good backlight and I’ve been driving out of town for years.

For ignorant car drivers in reverse traffic, which do not fade away despite well-recognisable but non-glazing light, I still have an LED flashlight; they always understand.

2 years ago

I feel much safer at night in the forest or on the free field than at night in the city.

There are no groups of drunks running around in the woods, no doubtful people sitting around somewhere, no cars are coming to bet if they have to see or mow one now… In the forest there are only a few animals that do nothing (ok, in wild boars you should observe 1-2 rules).

I even like night trips if I know the route. Strong lighting is of course a duty: I usually drive something at 25-30 km/h and would like to see in time when a branch hangs deeply over the way.

Finding Nen unknown way in the dark, I always find a bit of annoying. Just now, where so much foliage lies in the ways that you don’t see it during the day.


In fact, I don’t know why many people think it’s more dangerous as a woman in the forest. Or why the forest is generally more dangerous than the city.

2 years ago

As a village child, I am used to drive on unilluminated pathways. So I wouldn’t have a problem with that.

2 years ago

I have a reasonable LED lighting on my bike and I’ve been driving very long tours in the dark and that’s no problem at all.

It is problematic with what is offered on some wheels as standard as light

2 years ago

Without street lighting at night or at least in darkness is already very dark, yes, even with lighting on the wheel. You can do for a few meters, but I don’t want to go for routes.

2 years ago

I’ll do it regularly. However, I have also installed a reasonable lighting (Nabendynamo, reasonable LED lamp, backlight with integrated brake light function).

2 years ago

It’s been a long time. It used to be a problem.

2 years ago

If you’re on the road, a warning vest helps to be seen.

2 years ago

I always do when I get from the pub, get a very good led light on the wheel

2 years ago

No problem in the dark