M2pk tumor marker pancreatic cancer?

Hello, in 2020, my doctor offered me this test as part of a preventative checkup. It was done as a blood test.

So I had it done. They said it was for early detection of colon cancer.

I had it done two years in a row. The level was always elevated. The doctor never said anything about it. I recently had a colonoscopy and everything was fine.

But now I've read that this value can also indicate other types of cancer, such as pancreatic cancer.

I then went back to my family doctor and asked the receptionist. She just said the test alone wasn't conclusive and that I shouldn't worry.

Is there anyone here who knows?

I'm afraid I'll have pancreatic TB and no one will notice.

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1 year ago

If a pancreas carcinoma is suspected, imaging methods are necessary, for example a CT, MRT or an endosonography. The most important tumor marker is the CA 19 – 9.

1 year ago
Reply to  mausele123

If everything was okay with coloscopy, you don’t need to worry. Do you suffer from anxiety?

1 year ago

In a normal sono one sees whether a tumor is in the pancreas and at what point. Since the pancreas is located in the rear abdominal area, a tumor is not always clearly visible. More accurate is an endosonography. You’re too worried!

1 year ago

I thought so. You can talk to your family doctor about your fears. If you’re in a trench, your quality of life suffers. A corresponding psychotherapy can be helpful. You can also discuss your fear of a pancreas carcinoma with your pediatrician. This could sound once if he/she keeps it necessary for you to be calmed. I wish you all the best!