Macht das wirklich High?
Hallo alle miteinander. Ich habe mich in den letzten Tagen/Wochen viel mit HHC beschäftigt. Habe mich schließlich dazu entschieden es mal auszuprobieren in einem Vaporizer (Vape). Mich würden eure Erfahrungen mit HHC interessieren sowohl Pro als auch Kontra. Kann ich mir das genauso vorstellen wie übliches THC?
HHC is supposed to be similar to THC, but weaker. Of course, a comparatively weakly active substance can also be produced high and also “too high” doses and corresponding side effects. It is also possible to react sensitively.
Apart from that, HHC is hardly researched. There is nothing to know about the long-term risks, which is why consumption alone has to be discouraged. Whoever takes it is available as a test rabbit.
As a reading, I would like to see the recently published 10. recommend alternative drug and addiction report. The toxicologe Dr. Steinmetz knows interesting about HHC.
→ 10. Alternative drug and addiction report,
I first tried HHC flowers and then at some point had a proper panic attack because it was very strong and because I then read about it that the consequences are not really researched. I had a vapestick, too, which was much less strong, but I found the inhalation of that stuff also felt really unhealthy. But basically, the effect is already like THC.
it is not a thc and will not become either, it is synthetic armoured müll.
let the shit the side effects or other long-term sequences are NOT researched or known.
HHC is a fashion appearance. Like CBD.
As a rule, consumers resort to such doubtful products that cannot handle cannabis or do not have serious cannabis supply.
Las die fucking can’t be good!
That’s clear to me, but it doesn’t answer my question.
I just wanted to point out that you’re building your future. Please read it! It’s not good who you try it once!
There are actually very many on good question even minors. Who you don’t want to write in the forum. It doesn’t say anything about me. I don’t think you were just thinking about what I’m saying at school.
Yeah, but I hope you’re thinking about it.
Being alone at 13 years in such a forum says everything about you. And what do you expect to tell an adult that drugs are harmful? Should I answer now, “Oh oh so I didn’t know, I’ve been drinking for 3 years, but I didn’t know it’s health damaging” more unnecessary it’s not…
Why don’t I look for something like that? I just wanted to point out that you’re hurting your body. You’re probably enraged now because a little boy is more reasonable than you and want to keep me out of here 🙂
Since you’re 13 years old, you have nothing to look for in such a subject. So please deal with topics that suit your age.
You know who I am? So it’s not unpleasant to me either.
Inteligenz didn’t completely avoid me. I just told you I know it’s not good for you.
It is also better to know who 13 years old is not so good in the drugs tens (except sugar naturally).
Okay, apparently intelligence has completely avoided you. I ask here about the effect of HHC compared to THC since I did not try HHC products. I recommend you stop responding as you are making you absolutely monkey.
I just wrote that I thought so.
Why do you think you know well, but do you ask a question about your area?
The property is illegal, the consumption is legal. Please inform yourself before you say anything.
You’re from Germany, right? It is not allowed in Germany for 3 years. I thought.
I have been using THC-containing cannabis for 3 years. Both legally and healthily I know quite well about it. But still thank you.