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2 years ago
  • Always talk to the child in normal volume, never yell, knock on hands or anything else. Children hear and see better than we adults and are more sensitive. The feeling in the hands isn’t so pronounced yet, so something can be broken sometimes.
  • Go to the height of the child, so bend or sit down that you can look in your eyes. From above is too powerful and fearsome for the child.
  • Answer all questions of the child in simple language. The child is curious and asks until it is satisfied with the answer.
  • Always be friendly, understanding and patient and treat the child with appreciation. Children are slower
  • If a child shouldn’t do something, a NO is like a red cloth. Avoid this word, rather explain why it should do something different.
  • If a child cries, it must be taken seriously and comforted. A child never crys out of calculation, there is always a reason behind it, even if we don’t understand it, but it’s important for the child.
  • Children cannot express themselves properly, so they often cry when something fails or they say they have abdominal pain or other pain. It’s also a way of sharing something. If they actually have pain, they cannot describe this pain properly. That is why adults must always be aware.
  • A small child already has his own head and wants to try to put him through, that is perfectly normal. That’s why he’ll have the chance to do it, otherwise there’ll be defiance.
  • For example: a child does not want to remove a garment, wants to wear something else – to keep several garments ready for choice so that it can decide.
  • When a child rang, it is usually tired.
  • If a child doesn’t want to eat, it’s usually tired, please don’t say it has to eat his plate empty. It can be that children need a little snack more often a day. They usually eat little, but more often.
  • Never force a child to do anything!
2 years ago
Reply to  Volkerfant

Beautiful answer 😊🙏

2 years ago
Reply to  John117x

Wow, thanks a lot.

2 years ago
Reply to  Volkerfant

Thank you for the star.

2 years ago

Look at the child and you will feel how to behave. I didn’t believe that, and before I became a father, I thought I couldn’t start with little kids. How I was wrong!

The shorts want to communicate with you, and you just need to respond to them. Don’t talk too complicated, but in normal language and sound. Although it is tempting to take over some of the children’s language creations, they should, of course, learn how it really means. But it doesn’t hurt to get involved. What I find terrible is when adults talk in baby language, and I don’t think children can help. This is like some people talking to foreigners broken German…

“No” should be said as rare as possible. The ban is taking advantage of, and some things are only really interesting when they are banned. And children have to check again and again whether the “no” is still valid.

Some situations have to be removed. Instead of saying “no” again and again, if the child goes to the expensive Ming vase, you’d rather clear her away. We’ve cleared up many sensitive things in the beginning… Some experiences must be made by children. We have an oven, and you can’t always prevent children from running. So I made sure that the child touches when the oven is warm but not so hot that something happens. The experience was impressive, the child now knew that “hot” is not said for free. This is, of course, a ridge hike, and not always. In road traffic, you can’t even let the child walk a bit in front of the car…

2 years ago

Just go around with the child. Talk to the child, talk, bring it to laugh. You can go a bit at eye level (although not with a monkey baby language…)

You’re not Mom or Dad, or you have some kind of responsibility towards the child when the mother is there. In fact, many parents even react a bit allergic when you move around to the children in their presence.

2 years ago
Reply to  John117x

That honors you. I’m afraid you’re just not in the position to be serious about moving and helping. That’s what the two have to get on the chain. For emergency with external help.

2 years ago

Go to the child. Some children need clear rules, some children need more freedom. Some are fearful by nature and need a warm environment that motivates them, some are scary explorers who need to be alerted to dangers.

There is no only right or wrong. Listen to your guts. Give rules. Explain if necessary. Take care of healthy and regular meals. Look out the world and have a lot of fun with the little ones!!

2 years ago

Be patient, go to the child. Short simple sentences speak but no baby language. Protect child from danger (e.g. road). If you bend something, then offer something else nice for it. Kindness if there’s an anger.

2 years ago

How to raise a 2 year old child?

certain, if possible, consistent routine to facilitate the child’s work during tasks
clear clear rules that always apply (not even so and once so)

How do you say no?

No, if possible. Z.b. no you don’t get an ice cream – otherwise you’ll have a stomachache later.

How to talk right?

normal sentences without great complicated sentence structures and foreign words

2 years ago


Normal, like an adult, not a baby language. Simple words, but not a splash.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tiffanylegtlos

Why not a baby language? Do the children want to be depressed from the beginning?

2 years ago
Reply to  TripleBinary

So that they are not in the way of language development.
Depressive? Because you don’t talk to them like you have any development and speech disorders yourself?

2 years ago
Reply to  TripleBinary

How does not use a baby language automatically depress?

2 years ago

I wouldn’t open any flanks when I critise. The topic is also the education of 2 year olds and not the spelling.

So far you have only 2/10 troll points. Give you more trouble.

2 years ago

? I don’t put a value on it I always write like that, but you write with a set, so look at the other contributions. I always write like that, but I understand that someone has left you younger and now you have to pay it back

2 years ago

That’s embarrassing now.

“If you’re using a nice set, please write everything else correctly”

You lack a comma and a point at the end of the sentence. Apparently you’re missing words in the sentence.

2 years ago

I know and you

2 years ago

Nope. They were others. And I’m here a lot now. What does that mean?

2 years ago

Tiff determines the whole day here

2 years ago


If you’re using nice phrases, please write everything else correctly

2 years ago

Volker Pispers is that.
Why are his quotes going over me all the time in the last few days.

2 years ago

Good to you. I know you have no idea.

2 years ago

Nope no idea what the GDR spell is TIFF

2 years ago

You know the saying, “Eunuchen, they know how to do it.”

2 years ago

Just got a cat. Besides, I’m not saying that. I’m gonna teach my kid some rash. Because music is the language of the babies.

2 years ago

In order to learn to speak correctly, the logopedia is pre-programmed from pre-school age.

2 years ago

And do you really think any gigi and gugu and Kutishiku bla understand them better? Or if you’re squiring what you have to say? You learn to listen to this! Why teach them what does not exist? The funny loud babies are actually already trying to get to real words. This can only be supported in which real words are used, as they are actually pronounced. I’m really sorry for your kids.

2 years ago

🙃 You have no idea, are your children highly intelligent? No. So you did something wrong, baby must be carefully adapted to the world. Why talk normally if it doesn’t understand anyway.