Bremsbeläge Shimano GRX (BR-RX810)?
Welche Beläge brauche ich für eine Scheibenbremse BR-RX810? Das Internet schlägt mir L03a, L05a, K03Ti und K04Ti vor. Welche verwende ich denn nun bzw. welche werden werksseitig verbaut? Passen alle? Welche Unterschiede gibt esß
K04Ti are better if they are installed on the factory I can write you a gigantic explanation if you want but I believe the simple answer is enough
Mfg Phil
Thank you. I ordered the L05a and hope they fit.
The L05a do not fit. A look at the old bats would have helped. K03S were built, now exchange them for K05S. L/K stands for form, 03/05 is the generation (higher=better), Ti stands for titanium, S stands for resin (my knowledge)