Warum steigt der Puls nach oben wenn man Schmerzen im Thorax ( Rippen ) hat und bei anderen Schmerzen im Körper steigt der Puls nicht?

Mein Ruhe Puls steigt immer über 90 Schläge/Min.wenn Ich die Schmerzen im Thorax ( Rippen Links )habe und es ist mir aufgefallen wenn wenn Ich Schmerzen habe in anderen Teilen des Körpers,bleibt der Ruhe Puls niedrig zwischen 65 bis 72 Schläge/Min. Hat das etwas mit dem Vagusnerv zu tun was Lineal im hinteren Rücken verläuft vom Hinterkopf bis ca. LWS Links.

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1 month ago


false assumption, pain generally increases pulse and blood pressure if they are strong enough. Pulse and blood pressure are therefore also good indicators for the anesthetist whether the anesthesia is too flat or the patient needs more painkillers.

The Vagus has nothing to do with it.

Love greeting

1 month ago

When you cut your finger, you will see the problem or where the pain comes from and know exactly that it is no reason to panic now.

If something in the chest suddenly twists you without you being able to see a reason, then the body is already in tension by itself because you might have a reason to escape. Your head then makes the rest by reporting “Oh oh!” and starting to ask yourself what’s going on to be a bad thing. Both raise the pulse.

1 month ago

Good question!
For a doctor.
Let’s examine this as soon as possible if you worry and get some expertise related to tests like MRT etc.
The the first doctor says it is normal, get several opinions.

1 month ago
Reply to  VampirDragon

Once again in the excellent improvement my dear. Go from the best and just wait for the appointment, don’t ask DR.Google or any other person who can only suspect anything about remote diagnosis.