Kartenlesegerät kaufen für privat ist das möglich?
Hallo liebes Forum, ich habe eine Frage,
Ich würde mir gerne ein kartenlesegerät kaufen. Die erste Frage wie teuer ist sowas die zweite Frage kann sich auch eine privatperson so etwas zulegen und wie funktioniert das genau? Also gibt es da irgendwelche Gebühren oder sonst irgendwas?
Vielen Dank für eure Antworten.
As a small entrepreneur, you will receive an EC card reader from 39.00 Euro in the simplest execution and per payment you will pay 1.39% transaction fee from the paid amount.
39 per month or once? Thank you
39 euros are the one-time purchase costs.
You pay 1.39% of sales per payment.
For sumUp, possible additional costs such as VAT.
And where do you get the device and the interface?
There are zig different types of card readers. You need to look at what kind of wounding scenarios you need to cover and what standards are supported for it.
It is possible to buy everything… and before anyone who presupposes any semi-seiden ones: yes, it is legal to buy and own something like that.
BTW: Most people have a card reader: the smartphone.
You have to rent it and every transaction costs money.
Fix well, so always 20 cents or something, not percentage.
Sure you have.
Why? Such card terminals are not only intended for card payment. Also, programmers have such devices without any tread contract to test their application.
Oh, yeah.
I thought he wanted a payment machine to make you pay for tickets.
Yes, you can buy such readers.
Loan is rent without money.
With me you can borrow nix, just rent!
There is also a purchase possible.
But in the Most Scenarios are the variant of a contract with a payment service provider who Loansgeräte (not rent!) makes more sensible, because then – with the exception of a missing network connection – virtually any malfunction is a problem of the service provider.
However, such offers are always directed to industry professionals. The surgery wants to have something like that as a private person.