90s Vibe/ Retro Kamera?


Habt ihr Empfehlungen für Kameras, die so Retro-Bilder (Ich nenn’s mal “90s Vibe”) aufnehmen können? Gerne moderne und ältere Modelle, die nicht zu teuer sind, ich habe welche für mehrere Hundert Euro gesehen, so viel möchte ich nicht ausgeben.


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1 month ago

“retro images” are available at most from the beginning of the photography end of the 19th century, unless you count black and white.

such a look can be any image editing program, many handys even have different image style settings, e.g. “sepia” in brown monochrome tones. modern digital and also all analog cameras of the last 100 years otherwise provide normal, possibly intentionally or unconsciously unsharp, wobbled, over or underexposed photos. that is not a “retro”

1 month ago
Reply to  leniausberlin

I have been photographing for about 50 years, until 20 years ago. optimally sharp was everything, literally you mean the impression that made an enlarged image based on chemistry with real photo paper.

you can only achieve it today with an old analog camera and kb film. but without photo know how you have to invest enormous amount of money, because even the failed try&error costs photos money before the hoped/desired retro effect is established