9 Euro Ticket Mindestalter/Geburtsdatum?
Guten Tag zusammen, ich habe mir kürzlich das 9-Euro-Ticket gekauft, bin allerdings noch nicht 18. Da ich das Ticket online bzw. in einer App gekauft habe, war ich gezwungen, ein etwas früheres Geburtsdatum (nur vom Jahr her) anzugeben, da ich es sonst nicht hätte kaufen können. Ist das Ticket jetzt dennoch gültig? Und was soll das überhaupt, ich habe es in mehreren Apps versucht, aber es kann nicht sein, dass z.B. Jugendliche kein digitales 9-Euro-Ticket erwerben können? Das Geburtsdatum steht direkt unter dem digitalen Ticket…
Danke im Voraus.
No, the ticket is not invalid, but can also be quite different.
Invalid would be a ticket, “if they have the necessary information, registrations, if necessary Signatures not included, they are significantly damaged, in their content unrecognized or unauthorized modified‘ (No 3.8.1 of the Tariff conditions of the German tariff). The date of birth does not, however, constitute an indication which is necessary since the Conditions of transport and promotion of the ‘9-euro-ticket for new customers’ offer is only the ‘name and first name of the traveler’. On the other hand, this could also be interpreted in such a way that the indication by non-overlappable demand when closing the ticket purchase Required is.
I would therefore recommend that you contact the transport company that issued the ticket to obtain clarity.
Thank you for the detailed and competent answer! 🙂
because U18 is not supposed to be able to buy apps because you are only fully operational with 18.
as you have to show your ID, but give it. Date is not on the ticket, it should not be a problem.
but you could have bought it at the vending machine.
Thank you for the answer, but the problem is that the date of birth is actually under the digital ticket😅 That’s why I’m wondering if the consequences…
so I didn’t. I bought it through the web app because the others did not pay PayPal.
I don’t think it should fail on the date. the name is more important.
You must be 18 to buy online tickets.
Actually, an adult should have bought the ticket for you. If we weren’t that exact, you could have chosen that the user of the ticket is a different person than the buyer. Then you could have given your real data for the ticket, and the wrong date of birth for the user account.
Thanks for the answer, the problen is, however, that it was not that an adult would buy it for me, otherwise his name would have been on the ticket… I tried as you described it, but unfortunately it was not.
I just tried on bahn.de without creating a user account. It was not asked about the date of birth, only by name, address and payment method. I was redirected to Paypal and could have bought the ticket without giving an age.
Thank you.
Then the app is probably from 18.
It won’t be so bad, there are 9€ tickets without date of birth. It is important that the name is correct.
I bought it in the “naveo” app…
if you had bought it at a machine, then you would have got it without giving your age
Okay, thanks, but does that mean that the digital ticket is invalid if it is now controlled, for example?
if the wrong date of birth is on it and you are being fought, then it can be that you get anger