9-€-Ticket Bus?
Ich habe mal eine wahrscheinlich extrem dämliche Frage 🥲
Wie genau mache ich das mit dem 9-€-Ticket im Bus?
Ich hab in meiner Deutsche Bahn App das Ticket mit QR Code etc.
Was genau muss ich dem Busfahrer dann zeigen?
Ich würde sowas gerne immer vorher wissen weil Social Anxiety grüssen lässt und ich es gerne direkt richtig machen würde 😂
You just have to wear it with you. And of course, you have to prove that you are actually the person who paid the ticket.
You do it as usual, show him the ticket on his phone. If the bus has a QR code scanner at all, he’ll tell you. Paper tickets are also only sighted if at all. in the fewest buses will only get in front.
You show what you got on your phone. You have not only the QR code, but also your name under it and the month in which it is valid.
Simply show the QR code. The bus driver will only take a very volatile look on it.
I don’t know about the code, but I think you can keep in front when you get to the scanner.