7vswild seid ihr gegen stefan oder für stefan?
! spoiler alarm ! folge 5
es gab ja einen größeren streit in der folge 5 und auch am ende eine sehr brenzlige situation. findet ihr, das stefan ungerecht behandelt wird, wie er sagt, oder seid ihr gegen stefan und stimmt den anderen zu , dass er viel müll redet?
würde mich interessieren.
So I’m very clear against him he almost cost the whole team life. In addition, I found the reaction of joey at the end exactly right.How do you get to the idea to store the wood directly in the fireplace.
He almost killed half of him and now people aren’t complaining about him.
I’m 100% for Stefan. The guy had the right ideas and thoughts from the beginning. He recognized the future problems and pointed out directly solutions. He said this plane was on a hill at the foot of a mountain, without trees. And that means that the cold air sinks down to them and in combination with the air train that arrives unhindered there, the place will cool off enormously. His idea: In the woods, strike a camp. Best near the river to save energy through shorter paths. He knew that food, cold and energy are the most important survival points, and he is the only one who really tries to protect them. The others don’t listen to him because this chatter Joe is a complete egocentric who doesn’t want to allow any other opinions. He works on the less experienced and raises them against Stefan, while he himself is only quaking and does not really go through or reach anything. The others complain about the topics Stefan has been actively trying to solve since the beginning, but is permanently ignored.
but how do you evaluate this with the fire
The fact that the wood was too close to the fire was definitely a mistake that could not have happened to him. After all, he put everyone in danger. The basic idea, however, was very correct and the idea was very good. Better than Joe who sits on the fire all night and freezes because the wood burns badly because of the wet, while Stefan walked the entire first night to not freeze. Can’t think of something like that..
Stefan has lost confidence at the beginning when he has removed all the time without saying anything. Then he spends his time with walking around and with the Labern over fire drilling, which he is one of the few people who can fire in such a location. But not so much talk, but show. Sandra and Hugo also confirmed this in small statements.
And as soon as Stefan was gone, the group dynamics has been much better, all laughed again and had motivation.
In addition, Stefan almost killed participants or seriously injured. You have to find clear words.
So far, he’s not honoring his name.
that with the fire was really very stupid haha
Doesn’t know why a “Survival expert” is doing this.
Don’t understand why a survival expert like Joe can choose the plane as a perfect spot for a shelter. In each season you can see that these “experts” can only survive if they can adjust to the given circumstances weeks before.
the best was that he just stood up as last, haha although he was supposed to watch and also caused the fire
I’m against him. So what’s his name? I don’t think it was so good he did. I definitely think the others are right.
I can’t understand.
Joe was the one who said on the first day you need fire.
over matches he laughed how boring this is…but make fire with the torch. (The torch does not burn even in rain, matches.
Joe complains that Stefan does his thing without the group but ignites a fire without sacrificing it with everyone in the presence
Joe thinks Stefan tries to split the group, even though he talks it badly at all while Stefan leaves his grief in front of the camera.
Joe and Joey claim that Stefan is just about the range, although Stefan is least of all the film (and Joe makes most of the recordings)
Joe is a professional in terms of manipulation…you don’t have to have studied to see that…who’s clear in the head and hasn’t been manipulated yet, who knows how unpleasant a Joe bird can be.
Do you want to tell me now that I’m not clear in my head? I didn’t mean I was joe. I don’t really like joe either. I just said I was against Steffan.
All right.
No, I didn’t say that. In the comment it said: who is clear in the head realizes how UNANGENEHM Joe is, since he has been obviously manipulating the participants since 1st.
Joe Vogel and Joey Kelly turn on psychological, manipulative tricks to get the candidates on their side and thus let Stefan stand alone. In my eyes clear bullying against Stefan.
Eben… who doesn’t see it was successfully manipulated by Joe and his little old subjects Joey