70000 Kilometer im Jahr?


ich fahre bald 70.000 Kilometer im Jahr geschäftlich. Bin selbstständig und der einzige im Unternehmen. Ein neuwagen (Firmenwagen) habe ich auch gekauft.

Nun zu meiner Frage: Laut Boradbuch muss ich alle 15.000 Kilometer zur Inspektion.

Meine Frage: Bei 70.000 Kilometer müsste ich 4-5 zur Werkstatt fahren und eine Inspektion durchführen lassen.

Sollte man das tun oder ist es unnötig?

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3 years ago

Should you do that or is it unnecessary?

Yeah, you should.

If you want to use warranty services or if you expect a cunning performance, this will only happen if all inspections have been carried out.

I’m taking my cars regularly to inspection. With a 10-year-old car from me, it turned out that the rear axle suspension had to be replaced. This was taken from Mercedes to Kulanz – in a car with almost 240,000 km. Without regular inspections, this would probably have happened differently.

With a car with a running power of 70,000 km a year, I would strongly advise you to regularly inspections.


3 years ago
Reply to  EinAlexander

But that’s Krass-at 240,000 kilometers still cunning?

Reminds me of a buddy who had a motor damage with his BMW at nearly 200,000 kilometers. BMW has taken over the majority of the costs at Kulanz, as it was also used without gaps at BMW Checkheft. He had to pay only a part of the material, and there was also a completely new engine + sales-including all parts and 0 kilometers. According to the BMW dealer: “Our cars are not broken by so few kilometers.”

An acquaintance with a gaplessly maintained VW had less luck at 100,000 kilometers: “This is a completely normal running performance for a modern diesel”. 😀

3 years ago

With a gasoline, it makes sense to let the oil change every 15,000km and all 30,000km will be a big inspection. That’s what Hyundai is supposed to do.

With many diesel models it is often an inspection every 30,000km.

3 years ago

Yeah, because you don’t want to lose the guarantee. However, you can ask the manufacturer whether there is longlife oil for your model, so you can often extend the interval to 30,000 kilometers or more.

Is it sensual? No. In the case of real long distances, the oil and the engine are loaded much less than in short-distance traffic. So the oil ages much slower on the kilometers. For this, it is all the more important to carry out a check every week, cooling water level, tire condition, visual inspection all around.

It is also important that you normally go to the service at the kilometers. 2x a year, so after 35,000 kilometers I would recommend you personally. Even if the oil ages more slowly and is really good today, you want to have something from the car as long as possible. Also, it is useful that someone regularly looks at it, as faults simply become a problem much faster – you have to think that a normally driven car in time would then be 3x in the workshop, as the German on average travels about 12,000 kilometers a year.

Similarly, in the inspections, something should be deviated from the service book.

Because probably your gear has a so-called “lifetime” filling. The manufacturers set the life of a car today to about 150,000 kilometers. Therefore, it is important for your routes that you can also change gear oil every 1-2 years.

My recommendation is a good KFZler near you with which you can talk. Of course, most want to earn money, but there are a few good ones who also look at the good of customers 😀

3 years ago

As long as there is no leasing or new vehicle, you need to regularly control the coolant level and definitely also the engine oil level, always drive the engine warm (for diesel over 2.1 liters of engine capacity it is usually 90°) and also definitely control the profile depth and tire pressure at least once a week. If you do all this and e.g. a W212/S212 E220 CDI T drive and bring it to the inspection only once a year, everything is not a cause (but you also like to give it a new round gear oil).

What car are you driving?

3 years ago

Just because of the guarantee.

Otherwise, 70,000 travel kilometers can be far less burdensome for your car than 7,000 city kilometers stop and go.

3 years ago

The guarantee requires regular inspection.

3 years ago

Yeah, about the guarantee.

3 years ago
  1. Why new cars? Yearly cars do it and are usually significantly cheaper?
  2. Why buy and not leasing, the inspection is usually included and the leasing rates are to be deductible whereas the purchase price must be debited for over 6 years?
  3. Yes you should, because otherwise equipment could go to the bottom and if you close to brake etc. you would risk yourself and others. Police control could then lead to the failure of the permit.
3 years ago

Waste of money.

3 years ago

Which vehicle has been bought, it cannot be said on a flat-rate basis because there are different motors and transmission technologies … each of the standard statements here is only fortunately right!

3 years ago

As long as you don’t have a leasing car now and you have to be aware, I wouldn’t do it.

All half to 1 times a year is full

3 years ago
Reply to  GeilerKeiler69

what did you buy for a car?

3 years ago

If you don’t keep the maintenance, your car will not reach the 70,000km.