7 Tage vor Periode Sex – Gefahr Schwanger zu werden?
Ich hatte am Samstag ungeschützten Sex – er hat zwar rausgezogen aber das ist ja keine 100%tige Sicherheit.
Meine Periode sollte da in 7 Tagen kommen also jetzt gerade in 5, da mein Eisprung ja schon vorbei ist sollte doch eig nichts passieren können oder ?
In unprotected sex there is always the risk of getting pregnant
Hello QuestionGirl361
If you really get your period, you’re not pregnant.
First of all, of course, it is true that a woman is fruitful only a few days in the cycle. But to determine exactly the time is difficult. A ripe egg cell is fertilized for up to twelve hours after ovulation. However, because sperm can survive up to six days in the extreme case in the female body, there is a possibility for up to six and a half days per cycle to be pregnant by unprotected intercourse. So the fertile time of a woman can begin six days before the ovulation and ends around twelve hours after it. A short cycle increases the risk. Who now calculates a bit, realizes that fertilization can take place even during menstruation. Because every woman has a different long cycle – this is the span from the first day of the monthly bleeding until the day before the next period. The cycle of most women lasts about 28 days, but is possible between 21 and 35 days. Especially for younger women, the cycle is often still very irregular and does not have the same length every time. By stress, shiftwork, holiday trips etc., the cycle can also get out of the clock again and again later.
Greetings HobbyTfz
Wann war denn dein Eisprung und weisst du sicher, dass du ihn hazttest?
He should have been there on 17.03 last Friday, but I also only know through my app if he was really there…no idea
I wouldn’t rely on that.
Something can happen