6pin auf 8 Pin?
bekommt die Grafikkarte da weniger Strom und wird sie dadurch schlechter ?
bekommt die Grafikkarte da weniger Strom und wird sie dadurch schlechter ?
Hallo zusammen, meine Frage ist, ob eine Grafikkarte RTX 4060TI mit dem Mainboard ROG Strix B560-E kompatibel ist? Eigentlich besitzt das Mainboard einen PCI 4 Anschluss (1x PCIe 4.0 x16 SafeSlot (x16)), beim Einbau schein die Karte aber viel zu groß für den Anschluss zu sein/ überhaupt von den Dimensionen nicht zu passen. Vielen Dank…
Könnte mir jemand einen PC zusammenstellen damit man BeamNG, Minecraft usw. flüssig darauf spielen kann für einen mittelgroßen 27-30 Zoll Monitor? Budget sollte bei maximal 2200€ liegen. https://pc-builds.com/
Hallo ich möchte mir bald eine RTX 4080 Super Kaufen da ich noch eine RTX 1060 in meinen PC verbaut habe, ich frage mich ob man mit einer Intel I5 8600K CPU die Grafikkarte verbinden?
Hallo, ich besitze aktuell folgenden PC: AMD 7800x3d, RX 6600xt, 32GB RAM. Ich spiele hauptsächlich CPU lastige spiele wie Valorant, CS2 und Fortnite(hauptsächlich).Ich habe nun in Fortnite, mein Main-Game, das Problem, dass ich wegen der GPU nur auf DX12 spielen kann, weil es sonst extrem shuttert. Das Problem ist jetzt, ich will den Performance-Mode spielen…
Ich habe mir vor 5 Monaten einen Neuen Gaming PC zugelegt, aber seit gestern kommen ungefähr jede 2. Stunde Grosse FPS Einbrüche, die es unspielbar machen. Das ganze ist bisher nur beim Minecraft spielen aufgetreten, da ich sonst keine andere Spiele gespielt habe. Beim Drücken von Shift+F3 sieht man in minecraft ja unten links die…
It won’t work. The GPU notices that the plug is not in and the entire PC will not start.
This is at least my experience. And if a power supply does not have 2×8 pin, it also has a reason.
People who write here will not boot those who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.
It would (probably) boot (even if only in the worst case)
It has a reason why the 6 pins and not 6+2.
You would use this to scrape your power supply and pull more than the power supply expected to give out and thus create a fire hazard in the worst case
Why the people have really better wisser, booting is said in the PC and hardware world only if it actually boots into the Windows and not when it briefly boots that is not booting but start short. You have no idea you’ve been on this platform for 7 years and seem to suffer from strong schizophrenia. With a 6 pin you can’t scrape your power supply because plug is not suitable for the 8pin plug and there is no risk of fire. What a mischief you spread here, zero warning of nothing. Mano man
Right. I’m sorry. All Linux servers or Linux Desktop users or Mac users never boot. Because they don’t have Windows on it.
Very good self-invented definition that you have, still try for a few years and maybe you have Ann the actual definition and finally respect that the boot process already does not consist of Windows specifically and the charging of the operating system is just a part of it. Of course, you don’t understand that you’re too busy attacking users personally.
Booting generally considered without PC or similar is called starting:) a hair dryer does not count to booting even there the programming plays a role in the motherboard at Dyson Supersonic, programmed chips for temperature control or air flow control.
Do you really compare a Macbook with macOS with a Windows desktop pc?.
( MacOS is an operating system and at the same time boot system due to macintoosh hd hard drive with integrated operating system since Apple puts on it and better than Windows is in this thing ). How do I know?
by linux unfortunately no idea.
Declaration for you:
Boating refers to the process where a computer or other electronic device is switched on and the operating system is loaded by a storage medium to make the device operational, provided there is a Windows operating system of any class 7,8 XP, 10 or Bernd the bread 🙂 otherwise you start to the bios (UEFI) and have to boot via usb stick windows or via Windows CD if there is a running gear. This is the first step in the starting process of a system in which all necessary components are charged in order to make it functional. In order to make a boat process possible at all, one naturally needs the components for it and then the operating system.
Of course I didn’t want to attack you, that’s always the viewer’s point of view.
This will not even boot, the gpu needs its power.
This can cause crashes or defects. Close it properly if you want to avoid problems.
the pin layout of 6 pin and 8 pin are different and will not even physically fit together. However, you should make it as well as always then your housekeeping will be happy to be used. Grab a molecularx on 8 pin or 6x 6 pin on 8 pin adapter and get rid of the trip bedenke but this is more susceptible to errors.