62kg zu 63kg nerven mich extrem? (Weiblich)?


Ich bin w20. Mein Standard Gewicht ist 63kg aber ich wiege auch hin und wieder mal 62kg und es nervt mich einfach soo. Ich will gerne 60kg wiegen 63kg reichen mir auch…. aber das es immer so hin und her wechselt, das nervt mich und macht dann irgendwie auch mein Kopf kaputt 🙁

An die Frauen. Denk ihr mein Gewicht reicht aus? Zumindest qn die Frauen wo schon mehr Lebenserfahrung haben

Ich weiß aber die Antwort schon .

Meine Größe ist 175

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1 year ago

It is quite normal that the weight fluctuates. Think about it. 1kg more if you drink 1 liter of water. And then again approx. 1kg less when you were in the bathroom. At food this is similar and there are many other factors that make the weight fluctuate.

1 year ago

Your weight is absolutely normal. It is completely normal that the weight always fluctuates between 1-3kg.

1 year ago

The fluctuations are completely normal. They do not come from body fat, if you mean that, they mainly come from water retention and what is in your digestive tract.

It’s like you’re upset about it when you’re hot. Completely meaningless in other words.

1 year ago

You have ideal weight and weight fluctuations are normal. Don’t go back to the scales if you do that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woelfin373

What’s wrong with the answer?

1 year ago

A full bubble is up to 400 ml = 400 grams.

So we found something

1 year ago

If you do not want your weight to fluctuate, you have to pamper yourself:

  1. Eat
  2. drink
  3. sweating
  4. breathing
  5. go to the toilet
1 year ago

I don’t understand. You think your scale
is broken when not always the same
Showing weight?

1 year ago

for what should your weight be sufficient?

it is quite normal that the weight slightly fluctuates.. throw away the scale and listen to your life to align according to your weight.