60l Becken eingefahren?
Hallo, ich bin noch neu in der Aquaristik und bekanntlich erlaubt man sich als Neueinsteiger (egal auf welchem Gebiet) den einen oder anderen kleinen Fehler. Mein Fehler war es, dass ich von Anfang an nicht meinen Nitritwert gemessen habe und somit nicht weis, ob der Nitritpeak schon war. Das Becken läuft jetzt ca. 14 Tage und seit 4 Tagen habe ich keinerlei Veränderung der Wasserwerte bzgl. des Nitritgehalts feststellen können. Die Werte sind alle im grünen Bereich. Schnecken habe ich auch schon seit ca. 1 Woche im Becken und denen gehts super. Kann mir jemand sagen, ob ich nun die nächsten Tage die ersten Fische einsetzen kann oder lieber noch etwas warten sollte?
I was an enthusiastic aquarium owner in my youth and for many years I had some of them with totally many fishes and many rearings and lots of fun.
And now I have to confess that on the other hand I have not heard of nitrite measurements, nor of level values, and my fish have lived well. Doesn’t seem so important to be this nitrite value. 🤷🏻
The nitrite value is very important in the entry phase.
Nitrit interferes with the oxygen absorption of the fish, so that is one of the most important values that the water must have (or should not have)
Okay, then my fish were survivors or there’s a lot of big mush sold to people with too much money today. But I can now tell you after a minute of research that this nitrite value is especially important for the aquatic plants. Do you have to read a bite…
Here for you: When is nitrite dangerous for fish?The nitrite should be permanently below 0.1 mg/l. In the short term (i.e. a few days) the fish also maintain higher concentrations of 0.3 to 0.5 mg/l and more. In the long term, however, diseases and even the death of fish can occur.
Yes, but chloride blocks the nitrite absorption => quite harmless poison
In any case, that’s why the nitrite peak is so important because when it comes only when you already have the fish, it doesn’t end well for them.
But since I think that he has taken place in the 14 days, I wish you good luck using the first fish👍😄
I’m far from that, especially in this area. I just think you should be informed about the basic living conditions in every living entity.
Wow, you’re pretty smart. But you’re not. Well, whatever. Do what you mean or not. Bye..
Next task: how high is the nitrite value at the nitrite peak in the aquarium?
Then a conclusion can quickly be drawn as to whether the nitrite peak is now important;)
Hello, I’m not a professional and I’ve asked myself the same question as you just did (see on my profile).
But after 14 days, the nitrite peak should have actually already taken place, I think.After which snail you have, the nitrite value does not matter to you (Posthorn snails, for example).
maybe I could help you a bit, but it’s better if a professional answers again👍
It’s nice that I’m not alone😄 I think I’m going to pick up a small occupancy on Saturday (if no change until then).
So you could theoretically work without water tests? Will still test the water, but I’m interested in that:)
Yes, if you know what to do, but beginners can’t really interpret the signs to control them efficiently!
In addition to the user agezapp, I and the user eiei2 who used to be very active thought that as a beginner, you can even use the nitrite value do not test should.
So this is quite a legitimate opinion, do oldzapp not wrong. Even if the information on the limit value mentioned by him and written by him is incorrect.
If you are interested, I will explain the reason exactly, otherwise here the short version: Testing nitrite leads to much more mistakes for beginners than it avoids disasters. The toxicity of nitrite is also overestimated and a negative test can weigh the worst in false safety.
I and eiei2 believe that one should just leave the eyes as a beginner and, above all, – very importantly – changes 90% tempered water in the case of signs of poisoning. Not 50%, not 70%, 90%.
Yeah, you can.
What I have to say is someone at a 60th of first I’m always talking about fish… how many portions of fish are to be squeezed in after the first? But you didn’t ask for this.
small scale swarm fish and next time a small set pndawelse o. ä:) I will not overfill it.
Yes 2 species that sounds good. Then I would not take too little individuals more than 10. 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠
There you are not alone, but just beginners can’t start with the symptoms as the whole questions and help calls show here! Surely you can also use fish in a newly set up basin, but then you should also know what to do in case of a case!