600-800g Putenfleisch am Tag unbedenklich?

Wie schon im Titel steht esse ich zur Zeit ca 600 – 800g Putenfleisch. Ich komme sonst nicht auf meine 180g Eiweiß ca. schmeckt lecker ist Finanziell ne super Sache und ich hab zur Zeit nur positive Auswirkungen auf meinen Körper.
Sollte jeder mal ausprobieren. So viele Bohnen kriege ich garnicht runter wie ich essen müsste. Heißhungerattacken sind auch weg seitdem ich bewusst weniger Fette und Kohlehydrate zu mir nehme und viele Proteine. Haut ist besser, ich nehme ab und mein Schlaf wird besser. Was will man noch?

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1 month ago

Yes, as long as you do a lot of sports and you actually need proteins and eat many herbal foods. You don’t need to worry about antibiotic residues.

Within the framework of the BfR-MEAL study (meeting times for the exposure estimation and analysis of foodstuffs), 60 trout fille, pork and turkey meat samples were examined for about 20 different antibiotics and coccidiostats….

The contents of the substances were below the statutory maximum residue levels: on average 18% and at most 36% of the respective maximum. Of the approximately 3,800 generated individual results of the investigated substances, approx. 99 % no detectable contents.

https://www.dgs-magazin.de/aktuelles/news/article-7944303-4627/no antibiotic-repellent-in-putenfleisch-.html#:~:text=Putenfleisch%20ist%20kaum%20 with%20R%Cckst%Cckst%A4nden,f%C3%BCr%20Rif

Quality in Germany is just top.

consciously take less fats and carbohydrates to me and many proteins. Skin

They are not bad when they come from healthy foods.

So much Pure can go to the wallet. Maybe pure Whey protein would be something for you if it landed on offer at 16€/kg.

2 months ago

It depends on the quality of the meat you take to you, especially with particularly large quantities. Sufficiently favorable meat can often contain residues of antibiotics or growth hormones that could have health effects in the long term. If you take very large quantities, you do not feel it immediately, but do not mean that quality must be good or that it cannot have any further effects.

A varied protein source (such as fish, eggs or plant alternatives such as tofu or lenses) could also help to supply the body with different nutrients. This ensures an even better balance and can also bring benefits to health.

2 months ago

No, it’s not. What you take in meat every day should be eaten all week. says it’s too much. That you may not have any problems with it now. this is in the long run, however, no one will lead to your other thing.

By the way, without this amount of meat, one can easily get to its proteins and no one does not have to eat legumes 🤷🏼 apart from the fact that 180 g of protein are already extremely much. Either you weigh over 100 kilos that your amount is so high or you take too much to yourself (which is not healthy).

1 month ago

No, it’s not. The DGE recommends a maximum of 300g meat per week. You eat a lot of it.

By the way, 100g Kidney beans have almost enauso much protein like 100g turkey meat.

Healthy and balanced this diet is really not. Aside from the antibiotic-resistant germs in meat.

2 months ago

If you only notice positive effects, keep this in mind.

Even if you do motor sports you need protein and from an animal origin, amino acids should be more compatible and better absorbed.

I know the beans.

It’s a long time and you don’t want to eat kilos of green beans.

A little vegetables or Carbs must also not be missing and especially fruit.

1 month ago

And antibiotic-resistant germs or residues of antibiotics are free of charge.

I’ll never understand why people are superficial in their health, and then take such a crap.