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7 months ago

Hello Lucca

6 days vodka for the first time?

I drink for the first time when I spend 6 days Dose Drink I can then just stop again if not how long can I drink it with I don’t have to do any withdrawal thank you

Alcoholic drinks are drinks.

In your description “Dose” I go from a long drink…

A consumption of alcoholic beverages, which may also be drunk by law, normally does not result in any damage if alcohol consumption is not confused or equalized with alcohol abuse. This means about 1-2 glasses of wine per day, but not over a long time, definitely not daily.

The fact that a first dependency with the first enjoyment is complete in alcohol. The dependence potential of alcohol is not sufficient for this.

You shouldn’t underestimate it, but you shouldn’t overestimate it. It looks different in tobacco. Already the smoke of a single cigarette can trigger first symptoms of a rising dependence. In alcohol, there is much more to it, over longer periods of time.

A graphic illustrates the dependence potential of various drugs. The dependence potential of tobacco is arranged directly behind that of heroin. Although alcohol is also relatively far ahead, it is much lower. Dangerous can also be a mixed consumption, for example when ciffing, if not exclusively cannabis is smoked, but it is stretched with tobacco. Then the dependency potential for ciffing is more to be classified in tobacco.

But… there is an alcohol dependence first, then it can be very intense and it leads to serious damage in the long term.

In Germany alone, about 74,000 people die every year due to the consequences of alcoholism.

It should be borne in mind that such a dependency potential is always individual. Everyone reacts differently.

So if alcohol gets drunk, then always conscious. It should never be in a “comatrinken” or in a senseless Betrinken.

Good to you… and stay healthy.

Greeting, RayAnderson 😉

7 months ago

the idea of alcohol is that it tastes good, and that you drink it occasionally. to eat, after eating, or friends.

many see that differently, the drinking alcohol to get drunk. that is something I never wanted, because I could also be so funny and it was silly not to be really my point anymore.

If you want to try alcohol, it’s not bad. above all, you should find out when you get uncomfortable. If you drink a cup of wodka, you’re not exactly drunk, it takes half an hour.

you drink carefully, sometimes a bit, next time a bit more, and next time a bit more, until after half an hour the condition becomes unpleasant. then you know when to stop in the future. best to do this with your father or a very good friend.

quite wrong, however, is what you’re doing. regular drinking is not only extremely harmful, you also get used to it. ie the effect becomes weaker (if you want to get drunk, you need more) and eventually after half a year maybe you can live without any more.

alcohol is a drug, a dangerous one, and only because it is generally recognized and widespread, unfortunately many do not take seriously. Your question shows you want to be careful, but don’t let anyone tell you.

test what you can tolerate is important, because you should keep the control of what you take to you, and if you are afraid that your friends are laughing at you, if it’s only a little, that’s a ceicence for not being good friends.

when I was young, you respected everyone who didn’t want a beer, but drank cola. important was that you were there, it didn’t play a role, how drunk you were. this is only important for people who don’t get much on the line. best, you don’t belong to it.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lucca8272

that depends. one distinguishes physical and psychological dependence. physically you are not dependent, after 5 or 6 days, but what the suff does with you in this time can hurt you very much.

one of the effects of alcohol (and indeed of every drop, i.e. of only little alcohol) is a permanent damage to the liver, which cannot regenerate.
then you can die. alcohol poisoning can also be fatal if you have too much alk in the blood, you will die.

and, I repeat it again: 5 or 6 days lastrinken is meaningless. neither emphasizes a particularly beautiful moment, nor do you learn to dose the witness. so, let it go.

6 months ago

Yes, geil!I love it if the partner is good

7 months ago

You can’t answer that. Once the alcohol falls, it’ll be hard to get away.

LG Sky

7 months ago
Reply to  Lucca8272

The dependence begins with the first glass.

7 months ago

Yes really crassed.. let it be better..

LG Sky

7 months ago

You won’t be addicted so fast.