6 bananen und 6 kartoffeln = zuviel kalium?
hab heute 6 bananen und 6 kartoffeln gegessen
ist das eine überdosis an kalium?
hab heute 6 bananen und 6 kartoffeln gegessen
ist das eine überdosis an kalium?
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There’s much better fruit than banana. One day when 25 grams of sugar on Tg are not exceeded, you can talk about it. But six? Only from the bananas would have been more than three times the recommended quantity of sugar 😅
It was very sugary and rich in carbohydrates, fat.
You can do that, but it’s basically not that healthy, because of the potassium, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Good for you.
This is an overdose of carbohydrates and fat – from frying. Proteins are missing almost completely.
You should generally think about a balanced diet. Potassium is your smallest problem.
I agree with you with sugar, but there’s nothing about frying.
Oh, sorry, I just saw a comment where that’s in the frying.
Excess potassium is excreted from (healthy) kidneys over the urine.
How are you gonna do that?
kartoffels all fried in slices in the frituse and the banans so eaten before last
But not all at once, right?
at a distance of 4-6 hours