5kg in einer Woche abnehmen?

Servus meine lieben Freunde!

Gesundheit steht hier nicht im Vordergrund! 😉

Wie verliere ich schnell 5kg in einer Woche? Ich wiege 97kg, bin 1,88m groß und 23 Jahre alt. Ich habe in einer Woche eine wichtig Veranstaltung und muss unbedingt 5kg abnehmen (unbedingt!!!).

Im ganzen Januar hab ich ca 3kg abgenommen durch Kraftsport, also leider nicht genug. Jetzt geht es um die Wurst bei mir und ich nehme jeden Tipp dankend entgegen!!!

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2 years ago

You do nothing good for your body and your psyche. At 97kg, this becomes very difficult. Don’t eat anything every second day. The other days two meals. It is well suited as a meal of magerquark with some milk, fruit and 30g nuts. As a second meal of vegetables. Between 7 hours. Running, fitness or swimming. Maybe Squash is best. And drink ginger lemon tea. And before meals a glass of water with 1EL apple cider vinegar. No drinks. And if it’s not enough, drink abductees. I wonder what this is for an event to do something to your body.

2 years ago
Reply to  OfficerBohne

Yeah, I believe you. But consider that you can then quickly increase 10kg again. On the one you should decrease 0.5kg to 1kg per week.

2 years ago

Nothing to eat and drink, a lot of exercise and the one or the other tablet could be enough that you are going to get rid of the 5 kg in a week.

But you can also forget the event because they probably have no strength to participate.

2 years ago

No, in a week about 35,000 kcal save or burn is as good as impossible

2 years ago

Not at all, because 40,000 kcal deficit, how is that supposed to go? More than 20 to 40 g per day do not go. Or did you get thicker so fast?

2 years ago

I can’t. Even without food intake, you can only take 2 – 3 kg in a week.

2 years ago

that is impossible

you can lose 2 to 3 kg of water in a week, but no fat