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1 year ago

It’s stupid. If you want to buy something (so not selling your own goods) why would the fraudster or fraudsters have a 50€ paysafe card? That’s cheating. You have different payment options as you pay. Zb, credit cards, mastercard, Visa, Paypal, trust account, via IBAN, or Klarna or via immediate transfer. Maybe the fraudster just wants to have the 50€ paysafe card to reconcile his addiction. Zb he spends the money with safe for online casinchen etc. If you’re Tricky, follow the code of your paysafe card.

You have to do this:

Advertisement to the BKA police reimburse for computer fraud and suppression of the goods.

If it works well, take your money back.

Ebay staff/in will report immediately by phone or support.

Use the fraud (action: fraud (exploit ) paysafe cards.

I give you useful tips for you from my professional experience:

Please always check if the dealer is reputable ( 100% positive feedback and customer friendliness etc)

Pay if possible on site Cash (with counted money)

Always pay by Paypal, Klarna or other card payments. You are 100% secured by the buyer protection.

1 year ago

I would always create an ad, and if he hadn’t noticed it twice, the procedure will be set anyway.

Because of 50 euros, our judiciary is no longer moving.

1 year ago

If at 50 € is determined at all, then there will probably be a fine by the prosecutor with a smaller fine.

By the way, there are no more eBay classifieds. It’s just classifieds. And just pick up the stuff and it’s good.