50cc with 16?
Hello, is it worth getting an AM driver's license at 16?
Hello everyone, My motorcycle's tank is rusting a bit (on the inside). I've decided to derust it over the winter, which brings us to my question. There are many tank derusting putties available to buy and even more tutorials on the Internet (with mechanical rust removal, for example, by unscrewing the tank, rust converters, tank…
Hello everyone, I have a standard B license. Currently, I only drive my own car (a standard station wagon) on the road. Since I or my father might get a 4×4 vehicle for off-roading in the future, I would also consider purchasing overland gear, perhaps with a trailer for other gear. I also ride horses,…
That sounds really naive and all. But I have no idea how to get enough money for a motorcycle without working for five years first. I'm 18, and ever since I was a kid, I've wanted to ride a motorcycle. At 16, I couldn't get a license because I didn't have enough money. At the…
Hello, I have a question. Yesterday I tried to start my scooter, which has been sitting around for about 3 months. At first it didn't want to, then I cleaned the carburettor and the jets properly. Now it starts again but immediately gives full throttle and the engine speed doesn't go down. I can only…
For your information: I drive a Rieju MRT 50 with Voca Lower with 86 main jet.
nein also am lohnt sich da nicht mehr. dann gleich A1 da kannst dann eh 50 und 125ccm fahren. A1 ist allerdings teurer.
Ich würde da dann lieber gleich A1 machen.