5070 TI bald draußen?
Bald sind die neuen Nvidia Grafikkarten draußen. Was haltet ihr davon? Es wird ja zb gesagt, dass die 4090TI dieselbe Performance wie die 5070 TI haben soll und die kostet unter 600€.
Hauptfrage: Will mir die holen, aber nicht direkt beim release. Denkt ihr, man kann es auch paar Wochen danach holen oder kriegt man dann keine mehr zu demselben Preis? (weil die eben schnell ausverkauft sind).
Weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht mehr, wie das war, weil meine 1070TI ist 10 Jahre alt..
The 5070Ti costs $749 price without controlling so we will have the more at 900€+. If you get them then they will probably be repurchased at the beginning and sold more expensively as the years before.
So from the performance a very good jump but at the prices for which the new cards will initially be available is not worth it.
They said $549? So mine without TI
Jo the normal 5070 is at 549$ without controlling so with us around 660€
However, if there is no going to get them because all the bots all buy and then want the 1000€ for a 5070. Maybe you get in a year for 600€
This is what for Nerds or for people who have too much money or sit 24 hours in front of the PC and cock ….There you have a 10% performance increase for 1800 euros …
I just think it’s funny… even those who have a ne 4090 and said they have 5 years of rest… The KArte is not a year in her computer.
But what should… as long as people pay for it…
The performance increase and just more Vram can be very helpful in some applications except gaming.
My 1070TI screams for help
Others give thousands of euros for FIFA
Greetings from Kiev