500ml Vodka in Kuchen backen?

Wenn man 500ml Vodka in den teig backt wieviel bleibt am ende dann noch im teig? Weil ich habe mal gehört das das alk verdampft, aber auch nicht alles, also das etwas am ende noch übrig bleibt. Wäre es soviel das man noch besoffen wird?


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1 year ago

Although alcohol evaporates theoretically at about 80 degrees, it does not come out of the cake anyway, since it cannot evaporate through cake dough. Rather, it collects for the most part in the bubbles in the interior of the dough which arise when the dough rises during baking. A fairly large part of the alcohol will thus remain in the cake. I can’t say how much, but it will probably stay more in the batters and eventually condense again as alcohol.

The cake will probably taste quite strongly after alcohol and also “scook” accordingly. Basically similar to the little Jelly shots where you make gods’ food with vodka in schnapps glasses.

1 year ago

But the alcohol begins to evaporate very quickly from just under 40 degrees. There’s nothing left in the cake

1 year ago
Reply to  windsbraut0307

It’s a myth. A bit of alcohol remains.

1 year ago

Alcohol evaporates at 80 degrees, so there is not much left when baking. 500 ml, i.e. half a liter, is a lot too much for a baked product. There is still a portion of alcohol left. I don’t usually use 500, but 50 ml.

1 year ago
Reply to  bulien57

How much remains depends on the temperature, baking time and consistency of the dough. The firmer the dough, the more alcohol remains. It should be about ten percent on average.

1 year ago

The alk does not evaporate and you can be drunk. To stay at the level