5 ungewaschene Weintrauben gegessen?
Hallo. Ich habe eben ca. 5 ungewaschene Weintrauben gegessen. Laut meiner Mutter werden die gespritzt weshalb man starken Ausschlag bekommen kann. Ich habe allerdings morgen Geburtstag und habe jetzt Angst dass mir dadurch irgendwas passiertđ
also kann ich davon Ausschlag/sonstige Symptome bekommen?
5 grapes make up your body.
Maybe a bit of a stomach.
It would be different if you had fed 5 whole grapes.
That would be, for example, grapes:
Then I wish you a wonderful birthday!
I’ve eaten five of a grape. Thanks to you again!
It’s very, very unlikely this is happening. I’ve also eaten sprayed grapes without washing them before. Nothing happened to me, I’m alive.
No, that’s not happening. It is not healthy, but something like a rash would occur only in the rarest cases.
When I was a kid, I always stole grapes from the vineyard and raided to the last. Of course without washing.
It was also forbidden at that time, but it was not seen as close as today. Today there are theft advertisements even from a single grape.
There happens very unlikely what, why always such a drama