4k Videos auf schlechter MicroSD speichern?
Ich habe eine GoPro Hero 8. Für 4k Videos heisst es meine Micro SD braucht mindestens V30 und UHS-Geschwindigkeitsklasse 3. Wenn ich mein GoPro Video mit dieser SD Karte aufnehme, und dann das aufgenommene Video im Nachhinein auf einer Micro SD mit bspw. V10 und U1 speichere und danach wieder von dort zum schneiden exportiere, hat das Video dann immernoch die 4k auflösung?
I could always scream for pleasure when I look at how much money is spent on high-quality cameras and travels and then is saved on something like the memory card. Remember that if they are cheap, they may have been removed from production because they have not met the high quality requirements for a brand card. Is that when something goes wrong? The old saying that a chain is only as strong as its weakest member is still valid.
In short, put a reasonable card of a brand manufacturer to the warranty, if necessary, forty years. It doesn’t matter if something goes wrong, but you can rely on the manufacturer of these cards to have quality management and to be sold only top cards under this label. Rather, if you have decided to run for two or three manufacturers and card sizes, it will be possible to run through an price search engine.
The quality does not change due to copying to a “bad” SD card, the data are copied to digital data carriers 1:1 without loss.
The difference between the different speed classes is, as the name says, only the speed. The card in the camera must be fast enough to store the data in real time. If the camera records in 4K at a bit rate of, for example, 150Mbit/s, the card must also be able to store the data at this speed.
If you now, let’s say, have a 10 minutes long 4K video on a map and copy it to a slower map, it can be that copying takes 20 minutes, i.e. significantly longer than the video itself. This is not a problem with a video that already exists, except that you have to wait longer. You couldn’t take the camera directly on the map.
Thank you for explaining
Quality does not change when recopying. You only need the card during the recording because a slower card can not store the amount of data that arises at high resolution so quickly.
Okay, thank you so much for your answer.