49€ Ticket mit ICE bei Verspätung?

Hallo , ich möchte morgen von Rostock nach München fahren mit dem 49€ Ticket , die Fahrt dauert 13 Stunden nur mit Regional Verkehr .

aus meiner Erfahrung weiß ich das ein Zug mit dem ich fahren werde oftmals 20 Minuten Verspätung hat . Wenn das morgen wieder so ist würde ich Alle Anschlüsse verpassen weil alles eng von den umsteigen ist .

heißt auch das ich dann mit dem ÖPNV erst Samstag in München wäre also einen Tag später .

nun : kann ich dann bei dieser Verspätung wenn diese auftritt den ICE Benutzen ? Damit ich noch am selben Tag ankomme oder wird die DB mir ein Hotel bezahlen ?

abfahrt : 4:59 Uhr ( Güstrow)

Ankunft : 18:10 ( München HBF )

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1 year ago

2x No

You have to pay the FV

The problem you don’t realize The NV is financed by the countries. The FV is private. So it has to do with the Deutschlandtickt 0. Therefore there is also the absolute no-go.

However, it’s too late to watch, but you never know…

I watched for a tour in October already in July, FV ticket for 9,90€. The NV is usually the same…

1 year ago

You can’t expect any concessions from the train. They say that if a train leaves five minutes later, it is still “punctual”. If passengers miss connections, that’s the way.
On the other hand, the 49 Euro ticket applies only to regional trains. If you want to use an ICE, you must pay the price specified for it.

The train saves devils coming out and takes care of a dirt about whether the passengers arrive on time or not at all. This is one of the most social enterprises in Germany.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gegsoft

And from whom did the train have ordered the savings order, who did it say that the 49 Euro ticket is not valid in the ICE even if it was delayed? Politics has a choice, so it is not fair to call the railway as an Asocial.

1 year ago

The German ticket was classified by the legislator as a “specially discounted ticket” so that passenger rights are restricted and the use of higher-quality trains is excluded in principle because of delay; only with the last connection of the day and a possibly avoidable overnight stay there is still something.

1 year ago

No, that was at the beginning, but because of EU regulations, the railway can no longer offer free ICE use. But whoever dares to drive with regional trains for over 13 hours must live with it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Schestko

I see that as well. Who volunteers 13h in crowded trains?

1 year ago

€67.80 per person in class 2 and € 109 in class 1. Don’t know what’s expensive about it.

1 year ago

It doesn’t cost 400€. There are savings prices and railway cards.

1 year ago

No, you can’t.