49€ Ticket kündigen Bahnstreik?
Ist es möglich frühzeitig aus den 49€ Vertrag rauszukommen?
Der Bahnstreik hat mir gerade meine berufliche Zukunft geschlossen.
Ist es möglich frühzeitig aus den 49€ Vertrag rauszukommen?
Der Bahnstreik hat mir gerade meine berufliche Zukunft geschlossen.
Hey 🙂 Kann man sich die Jugendnetzkarte kaufen, obwohl man in einem anderen Bundesland zur Schule geht und es nachweisen kann? Beim Erwerb braucht man ja einen Nachweis von der Schule.
Hallo war die Tage jemand vor Ort? Und kann mir sagen um welche Uhrzeit das Konzert endete? Danke
Hey, ich habe eine Frage und zwar hat eine Bekannte diese billigen Tickets für ein adele Konzert gekauft. Sie kann jetzt nur nicht hingehen und würde sie mir geben. Jedoch muss man die persönlich mit einem Personalausweis in München abholen. ist es dann überhaupt möglich dass sie mir die Karten gibt? Danke im Voraus
Weil bei meiner Karte ist am Ende des Monats immer schon die Schrift halb ab. Jetzt hat mein Wochenticket hat Risse und ist sehr zerknittert müssen Busfahrer sowas annehmen? Bis jetzt hat keiner gemeckert höchstens schief angeguckt kt oder gelacht
Hallo, Ich möchte ein Ticket für den Urlaub in Polen buchen. Ich bin bei der Volksbank, was muss ich zum zahlen auswählen?
The 49,- ticket can be cancelled monthly until the 10th of the month.
In your case, you can quit now. But you still have to pay the ticket for February because the 10. January is over.
The strike affects only the Deutsche Bahn, but the ticket is valid for countless other bus and railway companies throughout Germany, i.e. can be used in principle despite the strike.
And even on the train, there’ll be a not-running plan.
No, you can also use it for bus/ tram or the like.
Is not bound to DB AG.
But you can ask, maybe that’s what’s going on.
Of course not.
But the ticket is available monthly anyway.
Without having read the notices in detail, I do not consider a locomotive strike to be a reason for early termination.
disgusting as you only think of yourself… with which hundreds of people lose their place of study and job
The right to strike can be exercised independently of your personal situation. This has nothing to do with Ekel.
“Real” that you want a decent salary and fight for it.
Especially since an employee does not drive with a 49 EUR ticket at a 500km away date.
That was the real question 🙂
Above all, the possible termination of the German ticket does not change anything.
Such a nonsense. No ordinary employer announces his employees for a railway strike. A reason for dismissal would be, for example, an indebted absence. But if railway strike is and you don’t have any chance at all, you’ll call your AG and say, “Sorry Chef, Bahnstreik, nothing drives. What should I do?”
I don’t even do, it was just examples.
Why don’t you talk to your boss about it?
Stadewaeldchen thank you, but you can’t compare yourself with everyone. I have to get 500km away for an order. There’s nothing about bike or ride
Come on down. As with the last strike, there will also be an emergency plan. I came to work with the train despite strike. Otherwise you have to think about something else, such as bus, bicycle, ride, etc.
Okay. I’m here on purpose and without offending you or wishing bad.
I wish for people like you that you will get the right person to escalate properly
And if the GDL strikes, don’t you seem at work? No wonder.
There were exceptions, but at some point there is no more. What a spell…
Of course, notices are distributed when the strikes alone are so violent this month. What are you dreaming?
Then talk to your employer. All right. At the last GdL strike, you obviously have not been canceled.
Absolutely not! You just don’t care what happens to such effects. With me, no colleagues live as if it were of course…
You’re unnecessarily dramatizing. Then look for a ride with colleagues. And employers will certainly not make notices during the strike at the current band.
Why do you drive train? for the most part you have no money for a car or taxi
Why? because many people do not have the opportunity to reach their work and have no money to pay a taxi per day for 200€. What happens? Of course termination
at least one salary, I have no more…
Keeping a notice period (one month) must definitely pay this month, possibly the next.