40 Jahre von allem etwas mehr! – Welches ehemalige oder noch laufende Format des Fernsehsenders RTL ist euer Favorit?
Am 2. Januar 1984 ab 17:27 Uhr erblickte ein “Fernsehgerät” namens RTL plus unter Chefarzt Rainer Holbe das strahlende Licht der TV-Welt – Nach PKS (später Sat. 1) war damit der zweite deutsche Privatsender geboren!
Das erste Format ging anschließend mit “7 vor 7” unter der Moderation von Hans Meiser und Geert Müller-Gerbes auf Sendung!
40 Jahre später gab und gibt es rückblickend zahlreiche Formate wie RTL Samstag Nacht oder Wer wird Millionär, die für unterhaltsame aber auch berührende Programmstunden gesorgt haben bzw. sorgen:
Am 6. Januar feierte RTL seinen Geburtstag schließlich auch im TV mit einem Jubiläumsquiz!:
Nun aber auch zu euch, denn mich interessiert im RTL Jubiäumsjahr, welches ehemalige oder noch laufende Format des Fernsehsenders euer Favorit ist?
Natürlich dürft ihr dabei auch ohne Abstimmung andere noch aktuelle oder ehemalige Formate wie Dall-As (1985-1991), Der Preis ist heiß (1989-1997, 2017, seit 2022), 7 Tage, 7 Köpfe (1996-2005), Nur die Liebe zählt (1993-1994) oder Mario Barth deckt auf! (seit 2013) nennen und auch mit Abstimmung bei den Mehrfachaufzählungen andere Sendungen erwähnen!
Reine Nachrichtenformate habe ich hier allerdings mal außen vor gelassen, aber auch diese dürfen gerne Erwähnung finden!
Ich freue mich auf eure Teilnahme!
Mit den besten Grüßen
euer SANY3000
PS: In dieser Umfrage haben sich übrigens auch ein paar Easter Eggs aus 40 Jahren RTL-Geschichte versteckt! 😉
Thanks for linking this question. Didn’t follow too many of the mentioned shows.
But to the story of RTL: I remember when in my then class in 1984/85 two schoolmates talked about television and also about new private broadcasters, and the name RTL fell. We had cable television in Vienna only in certain parts. The cable-television company was there, where it was dug for some reasons. That wasn’t in the alley. So we only had ORF1 and ORF2. At that time the FS1 and FS2 were called. So no other German stations. In the 90s then in my new apartment there was satellite, and then RTL and SAT1 was there. That was a time in my 20s where I didn’t see much. If, then there were any films or reports interesting to me.
Nevertheless, there are two shows that were the case. As recently written on a question about “RTL Saturday night”, it was what I had discovered once and had liked to see for a while. I found some of them questionable, but in total I really like to remember, because sometimes there were really good ideas.
As a counterpart to our Austrian quiz show “The Million Show” I have watched again and again “Wer wird Millionär”. I could mention that as a second.
My favorite show from RTL is the series Under Us. This is just such a great series with exciting, moving, almost always realistic stories, great actors, funny dialogues.
The series is 30 years old this year in November and I have seen all the consequences.
Then we used to join as a family and later Mother often called when she knew the solution and the candidates did not come to it (:
Especially I remember the million question “Who was Turandot?” and only one answer was where it was a female name. I only knew the Sasaniden ruler https://smb.museum-digital.de/object/156883 with these names. There was no answer, but I was irritated that it could also be a male name. In fact, I would have been right if I had taken the answer with the woman (:
One of the winners has a local in my hometown and also makes quizz rounds. We had already been as a family (:
I miss a show like RTL Saturday night. It should be transformed into today’s time. I used to like to watch WWM. I’m gonna take the show too long, but I could turn it off. What annoys me above all is the fact that answering the questions is constantly delayed. That’s how RTL saves money. Otherwise I’ll see little RTL.
Today still my favorite
Then absolute fan of Let’s Dance💃
Team Wallraff also belongs to it and some more🤗
LG Sky🌞🌞🌞
The only usable format in your list.
It’s a bad thing that the show now only consists of advertising. And there are mega-long advertising blocks.
I’ve never been an RTL viewer because we had purely terrestrial television with room antenna at home for a relatively long time and then only fed the public channels – that kind of has not happened. I grew up with something like this, and I also have memories (here from 1997).
The only formats I know here are “The price is hot” with Harry Wijnvoord, “family” with Hans-Werner Schulze-Erdel (that was both as very nice), the gastronomy show with Christian Rach (I had seen later 1-2 times) and WWM – but with the latter I was out as from 2001/02 because there was nothing new after the initial wave where it was. This had survived quickly and was at some point simply the infusion of infusion, the repetition of the repetition – and is a format where the quadrature of the circle is not possible.
No single production from RTL has added value, so a continuation or reprint is not worth it.
This is purely employment therapy. The existing material could be shown in continuous loop. It would have the same effect.
And I used to look at DSDS. I haven’t been interested for years because it became too ordinary.
I don’t waste my time on such junk stations.
Like everything on TV that’s not real.
I saw the 3 million week, was great. I like Who has become a millionaire for years
These are comedy shows from the BR, Sat.1 and the ARD! 😉
Still thank you for your participation!
Hello Sany in the beginnings I was no fan at all today. 😤😤
I like to take a new variant of “Back Grids”
also like “Dummy Shows” like All Nothing, Or? and DALL-AS
And, of course, we need someone like Salvatore to go back to the hat. (The real Salvatore is unfortunately already deceased in 2017 🙁 )
Nothing or nothing!
Always very interesting
Hello, dear SANY3000,
See Mr. Jauch with his quiz, that I like to go with it, learn and expand my horizon.
If only not the constant, long advertising breaks.
This show is very interesting
I like to watch WWM. You can always talk well.
L.g. Jan
I always like to advise and like the Jauch very much.