4 Tage fast nix gegessen?
Ich bin seit Dienstag krank(Grippe) und hab gar kein Appetit. Habe tagsüber gar nichts gegessen aber am Abend dann nh stück käse und an 2 Tagen einen Joghurt. Gestern habe ich ein paar löffel reis gegessen und 2 Hühnerspieße aber dafür abends gar nichts mehr. Ist das schlimm odee normal dass ich kein Appetit/Hungergefühl habe?
It’s normal. If the intestine is inflamed and it does so with everyone less or more in a flu, then the appetite usually also passes. The whim is going to blow.
If I have flu, I can’t get anything down except tea with half a ton of sugar.
At least try to drink fruit juice instead of water to get some energy and to contaminate undersugar.
This can occur in a grippal disease. Tea with honey, grated apple or apple slices, broth (e.g. with a few letter noodles) is recommended in such cases for children. This is also suitable for adults.
So slowly you should get appetite again. Otherwise, you should visit your family doctor.
Hey, if I’m sick, it’s with me too, and I’ve never done anything before. And you ate a little too. So don’t worry about it.
LG Sophia
This is completely normal, my pediatrician even thinks you should not eat at fever, but drink a lot (VIEL).
You’ll get this back in – the appetite will definitely come back.
It’s normal that you don’t have an appetite in illness.
That’s normal.