4 Stunden nachsitzen wegen n wort?

Hallo ich hab eine frage.

ich habe zu einem MitschĂŒler aus meiner stufe das n wort gesagt und habe nun 4 stunden nachsitzen. Ist das erlaubt? Nur wegen einer beleidigung.
danke schon im voraus 🙂

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3 months ago

So first I think it depends on what kind of school you are. But actually, it’s generally only for larger offences (bicycle lock…). When you sit down, you should realize what you did was not right. But before you sit down DARF, MUST the parents are informed. In addition, you can sit at a maximum of 2 school hours. Insult, you get the highest trouble or you have to write a text. Talk to your teacher.

I hope I could help:)

3 months ago
Reply to  Martha101

It’s not like that in every federal state.
Parents do not have to be informed everywhere and in Saxony teachers have largely free hands.

3 months ago
Reply to  SamaMoldo

yes I know(then for the comment), because half of my family lives there. But even there, the parents must be informed and EVERYTHING 2 hours later. –> that is copied from the Internet: Sitting must always be substantiated and must not be arbitrarily arranged.For example, a teacher must not spontaneously decide that pupils sit down because they beat themselves during the break.(https://www.advocard.de/ Streitlotse/arbeit-und-karriere/ nachsitzen-und-ander-trafen-was-duerfen-lehrer/)

3 months ago

Of course it is allowed!

It is a disciplinary measure! You’ve built a lot of crap and have to bear the consequences for your actions!

In fact, you have even escaped relatively easily because the word is an extremely racist insult. So you can talk about happiness that you have not been suspended from school or if your fellow student does not give up an ad!

3 months ago
Reply to  User123288

I don’t think you understand, that’s what you’re doing. You’ve been acting on your side, take the consequences!

3 months ago


3 months ago

This is not good to use such insults.If I were a teacher I would have let you fly from school.Something is not at all.Manche think that is a joke, but it is not.Something can hit a hard one.

3 months ago

If you’d throw a student out for an insult, I’m glad you’re not a teacher. Not even giving someone the chance to learn from mistakes, this is an attitude that will give us great problems.

3 months ago
Reply to  Milch647

Think what you want.

3 months ago

Yeah, it is. There could have been an order for this. You’ve really come out of it.

3 months ago
Reply to  User123288

e.g. school leaving

3 months ago

No. According to StGB, it’s a crime. I’d advise your pupil as a teacher to make an ad.

3 months ago

According to StGB, it’s a crime.

3 months ago

Yes, because it is even punishable.

3 months ago

If you use the N word for a student, this is a crime, namely insult according to §185 StGB. For this, a court can impose a sentence of up to 2 years.

As seen, it is a ridiculously low penalty if you only have to sit 4 hours. In any case, the penalty does not violate any applicable law and is legal. Before you offend someone, you should before consider what this can have for consequences.

3 months ago

Is that allowed? Just because of an insult.

You can justify as well as everything in pedagogy, you just have to justify it.

I find the insult more serious due to the background, such as “Arschlo**” (even if it is not nice). And after-seating with an additional task, which may also refer to this subject, I find quite acceptable.

Maybe you’re thinking why you’re not supposed to say this and apologize to the pupil. If you show yourself coorperative rather than discussing it, you usually get better and milder.

3 months ago
Reply to  User123288

I take a lot of things that your school has a school order. As a rule, there is something in the school system as to treat teachers and other pupils with respect and not to limit anyone due to their origin, colour or religion!

In this way, you have violated school regulations and thus also violated your duty, because this is also your duty to follow school regulations!

And that you don’t regret or look at your mistake is really terrifying! You only regret that you have been punished for it!

As already mentioned, the school has done nothing wrong, but has punished you only for your ignorant and unacceptable behavior and that is quite right, as your school does not tolerate such a behavior!

The 4h are compared to what you could have blossomed even small stuff!

However, if you still feel that you have been unlawfully punished, you can consult a lawyer or contact the local school office and report this incident! However, I see the chances of success rather pragmatic because of the evidence and the failure.

3 months ago
Reply to  User123288

I’m talking about being allowed

Because it’s all about you, and you don’t see your mistake, the punishment is actually much too mild.

3 months ago

Yes, it is. Be happy if you don’t receive a report

3 months ago
Reply to  User123288

Minors can also be displayed and even be condemned in court.

3 months ago
Reply to  User123288

It doesn’t matter

3 months ago

A court can also arrange measures.

3 months ago

Yes. If you are older than 14, the juvenile law applies.

3 months ago

The regulation is at national level – so it depends on the federal state.
Ah, I see grad Saxony – there the teachers can largely decide themselves…

Saxony: In case of failure of teaching, lack of discipline or indebted teaching is available to the teachers in Saxony a catalogue of educational measures which the teachers may use at their discretion. In the Saxon Schools Act, the following are expressly regarded as an educational measure.

Defective discipline is in any case when you get insults.

3 months ago
Reply to  User123288

Moving or undressed?

3 months ago


that varies from country to country. In Baden-WÃ1⁄4rttemberg (and for that you wanted to know it at the end), a teacher may hang up to two hours of school. It is also possible to sit down for up to four hours, but must then be arranged by the school management.

Experience has shown that a teacher is not difficult to get the four hours approved by the school management if it considers necessary.

In the case of minor pupils, parents should be informed in advance (in some LĂ€nder).

Depending on the federal state, this is an educational or ordering measure and can be used as one of the mildest measures in the case of undisciplined behaviour or culpable failure of teaching.

Insults, therefore, an undisciplined behaviour could be considered as justification.

It is unaffected by the school measure that, in addition, you could also have an advert on the part of the insulted person and, if necessary, a criminal conviction for insult (§ 185 StGB) or popular deprivation (§ 130 StGB) from the part of the judiciary.

So much to the legal situation.

What is to be kept morally from your statement and, above all, your dealings with all history is on another sheet.

You use vaccinations and then ask only if the action is right? Do you reflect your behavior so critical? Apparently not. Your motto seems to be: “I do what I want and I am ruthlessly without end, but woe, someone is reproaching my failures!” Well, then…

3 months ago

No, in your case, this is not allowed, here fulfills the deeds of killing as well as liberty, and you can go home quite normal after schooling simply without justification. Sitting would be allowed if, for example, you had done blue and got caught. Not because of a fight with other fellow students, because here the imprisonment is used as a punishment. Of course, you can also call your mother and are halfway by yourself, they will be immediately called and will tell this teacher the right thing.

3 months ago
Reply to  User123288

Of course I’m sure. I’m a lawyer.

3 months ago

Doc, that’s the point. Cash ker committed a crime in the context of Svjile. Of course, he can also be punished in the context of Dr School.

If you were a lawyer, you would know. So you’re not.

3 months ago

That’s not what it’s about now, it’s about sitting. That was the question.

3 months ago

If you were a real lawyer, you wouldn’t have gotten such a crap on the offender here – because insult is a crime according to StGB.

3 months ago

Yeah, you can march to the teacher tomorrow and tell the kind that she can sit down with her and you won’t.

3 months ago

Have a look at this. This applies to Germany: https://www.bidi.one/eltern-magazin/nachsitzen-in-der-schule-was-ist-authorised. You’re just getting confused with the paragraphs.

3 months ago

Yes, that’s allowed.

Instead of the student, you’d be at the police. Then you’ll see a fine sentence.

3 months ago

Yes, that’s allowed.

Next time just watch what you say and learn from it.

You don’t want to be discriminated either.

3 months ago

Yeah, it is.

3 months ago

Yes, it is.

3 months ago
Reply to  User123288

You think it’s bad that it’s 4 hours?

3 months ago
Reply to  User123288

Yeah, that’s right, actually, too little for it.

3 months ago

then the 4 h is still too little if no learning effect starts.

3 months ago

Please contact your guardian.

3 months ago

Yes, allowed and quite appropriate.

3 months ago

I would have thrown you off school…

3 months ago

Call him the next time “Ar***loch”. This is less politically burdened.