4 gekoppelte ICE 3?

Hab beim Train Sim 2 hinbekommen,das sich 2 2 fach gekoppelte ICE sich kuppeln,da stellt sich mir die Frage:Gibt es überhaupt ein Bahnhof,der einen Bahnsteig hat,der lang genug ist, um einen c.a 800 Meter langen ICE ganz “reinzukriegen”?

Jetzt noch eine kleine Umfrage:Wie findet ihr,einen4 facg gekoppelten ICE,der wirklich fahren würde (und wenn,auch die passende Bahnsteiglängen hätte :p

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3 years ago

The rail network is designed for a maximum train length, usually 670 m. Infrastructuring is more frequent than 740 m, but 835 m can only be driven to Denmark on a freight train. You don’t get through the net with such a long train. And then there are just as good as no platforms that can record more than the quick train length.

In addition, multiple traction for trains does not mean “tracking pearls”. The Tfz. must be controlled and the ICE will end at the second Tfz. (And the Tfz. following as in steam locomotive times are commanded with Ra. signals, moreover we are beyond.)

3 years ago

First of all, no, there are no long platforms, and in practice they would be able to do couplings, but the software of the individual vehicles would not be connected (in this series) with more than 2 vehicles, i.e. one could carry the 3rd and 4th maximum as a “death load” or they would need (purely theoretically) a 2nd locomotive driver, which controls the 2nd half as with a sliding locomotive.

Such a train length (or platform length) would, however, not necessarily make sense, considering that for 800m you need more than 10 minutes in normal walking…. The one when moving, e.g. in a head station (ok, there can still be connections in the back) or a “tower station” (like Berlin Central Station, with crossing paths arranged one above the other), where you have to go to the other track before or back… The transition times would suffer. It’s a tighter cycle. If such a capacity would still be necessary, the rail would probably rather be placed on longer double-deck trains.

3 years ago

The longest platform in Germany is 608m long and is located in the ICE-Niemandsland in Gößnitz: https://www.lvz.de/Region/Altenburg/Goessnitz-Laengster-Bahnsteig-Deutschlands-wird-divided

3 years ago