3x Biontech?
Hey, ich bin bereits 2x mit Biontech geimpft soll am Samstag dir 3. Impfung bekommen.
Die Praxis bietet nur Biontech und Astra an. Mir wurde gesagt, man sollte eine Kreuzimpfung bekommen, weil bei 3x Biontech extreme Nebenwirkungen auffallen können.
Und generell sollen Kreuzimpfungen das Immunsystem mehr stärken.
Hat ja jemand mehr Ahnung und möchte seine Erfahrungen teilen?
which vaccine you get depends mainly on the age of younger patients. Biontec is recommended for under 30 years of age.
I have been vaccinated three times with Biontec and, besides the typical pain from the puncture site, did not notice much.
Whether and what side effects occur is naturally different from person to person.
Moderna makes worse side effects than Biontech. All currently available substances are not yet adapted to Omikron, so cross-vaccination with Moderna is not necessary.
Sorry, but this statement is stupid because you can’t generalize it.
There are statistics and Moderna is higher.
You should stay with one and the same vaccination….
3x Biontech without problems.
I would have expected that Biontech and Moderna are available. Moderna shows some better results after 2x Biontech, but should not be administered to U30.
One under 30 said no problem jetzy you don’t say being administered…
Maybe you learn to read?
AZ and Moderna are deprecated for U30. Biontech goes from 5, off label from 0 years.
I don’t know Astra as a Booster.
Where did you get that info?!
I’ve never heard any relatives and friends had this variant and no problems.
Are the typical rumors
But BioNTech and Moderna are intended as boosters.
Are you sure? that does not exist for months
Just say what I was told…
my sons have not noticed the third vaccination with Biontech
I had Astra and Biontech
And what about people from 40?
Astrazeneca won’t be inoculated anymore…?!
I felt at 3x biontech nix
How old are you? Under 30? Then you have to get biontech. I have 3 times biontech without problems
Then only BionTech comes into question. Astra should not be used under 30.
You can only get biontech
I was told I can’t take anything else
You to be only get BioNTech because heart diseases have occurred more often with Moderna in the age group under 30.
They can get vaccinations. I don’t mean under 30
And what about people from 40?