3D Drucker druckt nicht, obwohl er funktioniert. Was tun?
Hallo. Ich habe einen Ender 3 v2 3D Drucker und wollte mir ein Modell ausdrucken. Nur das Problem ist obwohl der Drucker das Modell drucken sollte bewegt er sich nicht. Ist der Drucker kaputt oder fehlt da irgendwas?
Sd cards are thick. The printer must support the format, the file names should not have special characters.
With which slicer was created the Gcode that was played the suf card?
Ultimaker Cura
There’s a lot to be broken. Try another file? Does the map have a problem? Can you set levels or on home so that the notes engines go?
So he works because otherwise Autohome would not have worked. But when printing the printer does not work
Once releveled? Do you happen to have bltouch?
There are dozens of videos on YouTube. Just looking… didn’t level in the beginning? In fact,
And how can I re-level it? Do not know me so well with 3D printers from😅
Set esteps, set zindex etc. Des has helped me so far