3D-Drucker drückt die Düse auf das Druckbrett?

Hallo zusammen,

mein Drucker spinnt gerade ein bisschen. Sobald ich den Print starte geht er nach unten und drückt die Düse jedes Mal auf das Druckbrett. Habe ihn auch kalibriert. Wisst ihr da was?

Danke im voraus 😊

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2 years ago

Did you set the offset correctly?

It seems wrong to me.

Or the printing bed is inclined and after calibration and adjustment of the offset the distance in the middle is true, but at the edge where it first cleanses the nozzle the bed is too high. Then I’d level the corners well and then the middle.

2 years ago
Reply to  Julian580

Here’s where your printer would be interesting. .

2 years ago

If it happened suddenly, I would flash the firmware again. Evtl. is there an error in the ROM. Or turn to the support at the end. It’s a German company.

Ahhhh I may have the solution: it’s the wrong firmware. I just found on the web when I was looking for firmware: https://forum.drucktipps3d.de/forum/thread/21730-mp10-mp10-mini-non-flashen-beiversion-188-288/

You should also register there. This is the German side of problems. I’m under the same name.

2 years ago

It’s the nozzle cleaning.

Or does he press the paper?

2 years ago
Reply to  Julian580

Stripes on paper is a disorder.