39 SSW wann ins Krankenhaus?
Meine Frau ist wie oben gesagt in der 39. SSW. Noch hat sie sehr unregelmäßige Wehen, aber dafür ziemlich starke, da wir beide kein Auto fahren können, brauchen wir jemanden, der uns abholt. Wann sollte man Bescheid sagen? Sollten wir noch warten oder zum checken ins Krankenhaus? Danke für die Hilfe
If the possible drivers are pensioners or housewife etc, it would certainly be appropriate to motivate those today to stay at home on call.
A taxi would also be possible at a low distance from the hospital, I guess.
Please contact your midwife, she is the best contact person.
Check this out with your midwife or call the gynecologist
calls and asks.
still what: after the bubble jump only lying!
After bladder jumping only lying is important when it is a pelvic end position. Otherwise you can walk in the circular hall with a bubble jump.
and this is how the husband diagnoses so quickly…
So, for lay people in such a situation: after bubble jump only lying!
Especially in the case of progenitors with inclined, transverse or foot positions or premature births combined with a very long umbilical cord or deep seat of the placenta, a umbilical cord incident can occur at about 0.3% under all births in Germany.
It doesn’t matter whether the woman is or is.
The recommendation for the transport of berths in the case of bladder leap seems to be a trusted and forwarded from generation to generation, which cannot be verified by studies.
There is nothing in the guidelines of the DGGG (German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics) and this German handling is inconsistent with foreign colleagues.
The child is not in the 38. Week still purcele trees. As a rule, pregnant women go to the precautionary dates where the female physician or, if appropriate, also the midwife determines the child’s situation. This is also in the mother’s passport.
You have a FA appointment every 2 weeks and from ET every 2 days. The FA will diagnose well-being in time and give early enough information.