3,5 Monate altes Kätzchen zieht ein, was muss ich beachten?


bei uns zieht am Mittwoch ein 15Wochen altes Siamkätzchen ein. Die Züchterin hat mit gesagt dass sie sehr schüchtern ist, und deshalb auch als letzte zur Vermittlung übrig bleibt.

Ich hatte noch nie eine Katze und bin schon ein bisschen durcheinander was den Ablauf und die erste Tage/Wochen betrifft. Jeder sagt etwas anderes.

Wie lößt ihr das mit den offenen Kabeln und potentiellen Gefahrenquellen? Soll ich in den ersten Tagen die Wohnung auf nur einen Raum begrenzen? Vorallem weil sie ja so schüchtern ist. Und wenn ja, stelle ich dann die Katzentoilette und den Fressnapf alles in diesen Raum?

Wie funktioniert das mit dem finden eines Tierartztes oder ggf. einer Versicherung?

Würde mich sehr über Antworten und zusätzliche Tipps freuen! 🥰

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7 months ago

Why give breeders cats out individually. See that you are organising a gamemate for your little one.

yes Cable does not harm if well hidden is therefore not accessible for small. In the case of large scratch trees, the top part of the month is often well left.

as it is only one sees how she is behaving, she hides herself in the living room as an example then puts food and toilet in there at the beginning. Is she curious then things where they will stay, so it comes to the little ones as you then reap:)

if there are some sources of danger, let the door open. You can see at kitten quite fast whether they are cautious or overcrowded

TA da googelt which TA and clinics are close to you and these decide to store numbers according to feeling and clinic

insurance must googeln and also depends on whether house or freegoer will be interesting what rates

7 months ago

I always had two cats. In the first 1 to 2 weeks, I restricted them to a room. Always were animal welfare cats with some macke. After that they had a floor that was kept dog-free. The approach to the dogs was left to the cats.

Sometimes it takes years until the 100% are handcuffed. Sometimes they connect to the dogs first.

Kittens are unproblematic. They’re coming to you. Be patient. Think about a second kitten. If the breeder is deaf, it will.

7 months ago

The first and most important step is that the little one should not live alone. Especially kittens are absolutely not individual. Serious breeders therefore give them off in pairs if possible. In the case of an odd number of throws, however, one animal can also remain. So please look urgently for a second cat that best covers the same day, at the same age and from the same sex. The two should also be similar in character.

You can limit the space once you like. Then, of course, it is advisable to set up the cat’s clot and feed and water bowl in the same room. It would be useful, however, if the cat’s monastery was already in its final place. In addition, a toilet needs more than the number of cats in the household.

Just leave the cat(s) in ruin in the first days. Many insecure animals crumble completely – this is normal. They’ll come out when they feel safe, and there’s no curling that’s just pushing them out. So don’t worry, the cat won’t starve, even if she spends the day under the couch. Here, too, two animals are of advantage, one will be braver and start exploring the environment earlier than the other, and this in turn helps the scarier cat. Just let the kittens come from you and give it all the time.

Loose and open cables should be delivered as best. Also make sure that you don’t have plants poisoning cats in the house.

I would recommend a good veterinarian in the acquaintance. Attention, this is just like the topics feed and vaccination almost half a religion. You will always find someone who praises a vet in the sky while someone else wants this person to go to hell.

You can find an animal health insurance online.

7 months ago

Main :

  • You don’t keep cats alone, so get your partner as soon as possible. Otherwise, the socialization becomes stressful
  • Always have a toilet more than cats, with 2 cats than 3 clos
  • Yes, in the ideal case, first restrict the “assessment” from the new home to smaller space, otherwise it is too much stress. Toilet should be separated from the food – the same room is already okay, but at a distance. Otherwise you have to make the apartment safe. But things will be broken
  • Veterinary : Searching in your area is enough for Google. Insurances offer a lot of offers, you have to look at what you want to have covered. OP Insurance is expensive, but saves you the most important – but reads exactly by WAS and when is covered.

Once priced as a house number: a gang into the animal clinic with emergency check-up and X-ray can cost well 1000 €. And there’s not even an surgery.