30er Schild mit Zusatz?
auf einer Hauptstraße steht ein 30er Schild mit dem Zusatz Mo-Fr von 07:00 bis 16:00 Uhr.
Ca 300 Meter weiter entfernt steht nur noch ein 30er Schild ohne Zusatz. Meine Frage ist nun gilt hier generell 30 ab diesem Schild oder auch nur Mo-Fr von 07:00 bis 16:00 Uhr???
Since where the additive is present, the speed limit applies only within the specified time period(s). If there is no addition, the speed limiter applies fully time, i.e. always – until this (also the temporally restricted) is cancelled either by another sign for the speed limiter, for its cancellation or a location exit sign.
It’s very simple:
From the Tempo 30 Shield with additional shield, Tempo 30 applies under the conditions on the additional shield.
From the Tempo 30 Shield without additional shield, Tempo 30 applies without further conditions. So always and for everyone.
As soon as a “new” sign comes, it lifts the previous one. Remember what’s on the additional sign, you only have to do with resting traffic (parking), as they may not be repeated there.
No there is Tempo 30 always
First. Tempo 30 applies permanently.