30. Geburtstag; Ideen?
Hat jmd Ideen zu Geschenk, Feier, irgendwas persönliches usw.? Mein Mann wird nächsten Monat 30 und ich hab bisher immer so viel Wert auf Geburtstagsvorbereitungen gelegt aber dieses Mal bekomm ichs irgendwie nicht auf die Reihe 😂
Also jedem dem was cooles einfällt, immer her damit 😁
One weekend to two. Dinner in the dark. Something he likes as a hobby and needs something for it. A jewel. Heaven, there are thousands of things and it depends on what He likes and that only you know. We don’t know him.
I was bowling with friends and eating.
Tandem parachute
But only if you are sure that the person really likes it. When I was given years ago, it wasn’t mine.
The user will already know whether this is for her partner or not.